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Long Day Against Procrastination Drop-in Writing Event

Sunday, March 5, 2017
11:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Ban Righ
Room: Levana Room
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Twice per academic year, Student Academic Success Services and Queen’s Residence Life join forces to provide first-year students with the ultimate anti-procrastination tool — complete with snacks, supportive Peer Writing and Learning Assistants, and occasional motivational dance parties, to boot. Drop in for thirty minutes or five hours! This event sets first-year students loose on a final paper of their choosing in a dedicated, (relatively) distraction-free space. The Peer Writing and Learning Assistants will be available to provide suggestions, while, in a nearby room, free snacks, regular break-time dance parties, and excellent raffle prizes keep everyone motivated.

Through one-on-one consultations and mini-workshops, this event may help students

generate new ideas and map connections
structure a complex paper in a coherent way
sculpt an introductory paragraph or thesis statement
break a large project into smaller writing tasks
feel part of a larger writing community
get started on a major assignment earlier rather than later

(SASS) Student Academic Success Services: Learning Strategies and the Writing Centre
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