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VIRTUAL Health Quality Journal Club with Dr. Peter Lachman

Tuesday, February 15, 2022
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Online Web Event
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Health Quality Programs is excited to announce the next HQ Journal Club! Join us as we engage in a lively scholarly discussion with Dr. Peter Lachman and their selected reading regarding Multidimensional Healthcare.

Register for the event to receive the zoom link and the download link for this month’s selected reading.

February Journal Club Information

It is twenty years since the US Institute of Medicine (IOM) defined quality in healthcare, as comprising six domains: person-centredness, timeliness, efficiency, effectiveness, safety and equity. Since then, a new quality movement has emerged, with the development of numerous interventions aimed at improving quality, with a focus on accessibility, safety and effectiveness of care. Further gains in equity and timeliness have proven even more challenging.




Lauren Broadhurst
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