Investments at Queen's

What We Do

The Department of Investment Services manages the day-to-day investment activities for Queen's and is the university's contact with our funds' investment managers. At February 29, 2024, total assets under management amounted to approximately $2.6 billion. 

Governance and Oversight

The University, acting through its Board of Trustees, has overall fiduciary responsibility for the management of the investment funds of Queen's University. The Board of Trustees has an Investment Committee to help it accomplish this task.

Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures

As at February 29, 2024

Queen's Endowment

$1,592 million

Endowment details

Pooled Investment Fund

$459 million

Investment Fund details

Short-Term Fund

$473 million

Short-Term Fund description

Sinking Fund

$125 million

Sinking Fund description

Our Mandate

The Department of Investment Services is responsible for: 

  • Working closely with the Investment Committee on investment matters and implementing committee directives;
  • Conducting ongoing due diligence on external investment managers;
  • Conducting research on new investment opportunities;
  • Measuring investment performance against objectives;
  • Recommending changes in management structure and investment policy when appropriate; and
  • Foreign exchange, derivatives, and debt management.