


Tuesday, 25 September 2012, 3:30 p.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202


  1. Opening Session

    1. Appointment of the Secretary of the Senate (PDF*, 491 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
    2. Adoption of Agenda  
    3. Adoption of the Minutes of the Meeting of 22 May 2012(PDF*, 387 KB) (Appendix B, page 2)
    4. Business Arising from the Minutes
    5. Principal's Report (Appendix C, page 18)
      1. Schedule Highlights May-September 2012 (PDF*, 785 KB)
      2. Non-Academic Discipline System (PDF*, 577 KB)
    6. Provost's Report
    7. Proposed Mandate Statement 
    8. Queen's Initiative Campaign Launch 
      1. Presentation by VP (Advancement) T. Harris
    9. Other Reports requested by Senate 
      1. Senate Committee Agenda Topics (PDF*, 285 KB) (Appendix D, page 24)
  2. Question Period

    (Appendix E, page 28)
    1. From Senator Bridges, regarding student initiation of AI investigationsOral response. (PDF*, 461 KB)
    2. From Senator Jones, regarding Justice Iacobucci's advice to Senate, Strategic Mandate Agreements and Commercial Advertisements on campusOral responses. (PDF*, 460 KB)
    3. From Senator Morelli, regarding the status of the Provost's investigations into allegations of research misconduct by HEQCO and Queen's. Oral responses. (PDF*, 469 KB)
  3. Reports of Committees (Action items first)

    1. Nominating (Appendix F, page 31)
      1. Election to Committees (PDF*, 252 KB)
    2. Academic Development(Appendix G, page 32)
      1. 2011-2012 Omnibus Report (PDF*, 245 KB)
    3. Academic Procedures(Appendix H, page 33)
      1. Annual Report 2011-2012 (PDF*, 245 KB)
      2. Academic Integrity cases reviewed 2011-2012 (PDF*, 245 KB)
    4. Creative Arts and Public Lectures (Appendix I, page 35)
      1. Annual Report Update (PDF*, 253 KB)
    5. Educational Equity(Appendix J, page 36)
      1. Annual Report 2011-2012 (PDF*, 361 KB)
  4. Report of Faculties

    1. None received
  5. Motions

    1. None received
  6. [Information]


    1. Biological Communication Centre - change of Entity Status (PDF*, 272 KB) (Appendix K, page 39)
    2. Conservation Genetics Group - Closure (PDF*, 266 KB) (Appendix L, page 40)
    3. Research Report (PDF*, 495 KB) (Appendix M, page 41)
    4. 2012 Exit Poll
  7. Matters Referred to Standing Committees

    (Appendix N, page 54)
    1. Athletics and Recreation Non-Academic Discipline Annual Report 2011-2012
      [Referred to the Senate Committee on Non-Academic Discipline (SONAD)] (PDF*, 658 KB)
    2. Postgraduate Medical Education Assessment, Promotion and Appeals Policy 2012
      [Referred to the Senate Committee on Academic Procedures (SCAP)] (PDF*, 330 KB)
    3. Non-Academic Discipline System
      [Referred to the Senate Committee on Non-Academic Discipline (SONAD)] (PDF*, 354 KB)
  8. Other Business

  9. Closed Session - CONFIDENTIAL

    1. Report of the Honorary Degrees Committee (Appendix O*, page 68] 

                 *Appendix O distributed electronically via QShare