CHEE 415 Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Units: 4.00
Bench- and pilot-scale laboratory exercises provide students practical experience with chemical operations involving transport phenomena, thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and process control. Working with minimal supervision, student teams plan and execute experiments, analyze acquired data according to engineering science models, and communicate key findings in concise technical reports.
DELETED 2024-2025
(Lec: 0.25, Lab: 3.5, Tut: 0.25)
DELETED 2024-2025
(Lec: 0.25, Lab: 3.5, Tut: 0.25)
Offering Term: W
CEAB Units:
Mathematics 0
Natural Sciences 0
Complementary Studies 0
Engineering Science 48
Engineering Design 0
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate proficiency in operation and control of process and analytical equipment.
- Demonstrate engineering judgment and an awareness of the nature and magnitude of physical and chemical effects and factors, as well as errors and uncertainties.
- Collect and interpret data to draw meaningful conclusions and evaluate the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of current chemical engineering theory.
- Demonstrate effective independent learning, initiative, originality and creativity in completion of pre-lab preparation and other tasks.
- Work effectively as group member and demonstrate good leadership skills when team leader, adopting a professional approach during all project phases.
- Document and follow appropriate safety protocols.