DRAM 220 Play Reading and Analysis Units: 3.00
A study of applied dramatic literature, including structure, genre, and staging techniques. Students will analyze several plays from various points of view, embracing both theatrical and literary concerns.
Learning Hours: 126 (36 Lecture, 30 Online Activity, 60 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 2 or above or registration in the MUTH Plan.
Exclusion A maximum of 6.0 units from DRAM 201; DRAM 202; DRAM 220.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Read a dramatic script and be able to approach it in a class or rehearsal context.
- Understand how to analyze and discuss the structure of a play, including how to discuss what is not clear in a text.
- Understand key terminology used by scholars, practitioners, and spectators of theatre.
- Write about and discuss elements of plot structure, genre, character, and design that relate to a play.