GEOE 401 Field Studies in Geology II Units: 1.50
A multi-day field trip that uses stratigraphic, sedimentological, paleontological, and structural data to interpret shallow-and deep-marine rock successions in a paleoenvironmental and tectonic context. Enrollment is limited.
(Lec: 0, Lab: 1.5, Tut: 0)
(Lec: 0, Lab: 1.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: (A minimum GPA of 2.90 in each of GEOE 221, GEOE 238 and GEOE 321) and permission of the Department.
Corequisites: GEOE 488
Offering Term: F
CEAB Units:
Mathematics 0
Natural Sciences 9
Complementary Studies 0
Engineering Science 9
Engineering Design 0
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.