Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "GLPH 493"

GLPH 493  Global Health Practice  Units: 3.00  
This course will strengthen students' abilities to respond to a community's health needs through a practical service learning position with an approved local or international community health organization. Students will apply a reflective approach to community engagement in global health and consider the relationship between global health practice.
NOTE Registration must occur by permission through the Bachelor of Health Sciences Office.
Requirements: Minimum 4th year (Level 4) standing and GLPH 271/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate how concepts of globalization, equity, and social and international development influence community health organizations' work to enhance their ability to enhance equitable relationships in global health service delivery
  2. Describe their individual philosophy of practice in global health, including the broad values, knowledge, and approaches that they will use to identify, understand, and respond to a community's health needs
  3. Develop and communicate a process of self-reflexivity to adapt and improve upon their global health practice through a combination of continuous independent reflection and regular communication with relevant stakeholders
  4. Identify the ways in which their individual social location influences their perspectives to inform their practice as a global health researcher, service provider, activist or community organizer