KNPE 349 Sports Nutrition Units: 3.00
This course will provide foundational knowledge of the basic physiological pathways that support energy production during endurance-type and resistance-type exercise. Students will investigate, evaluate and develop nutritional interventions to potentiate energy systems and promote post-exercise recovery.
NOTE Nutrition Software: estimated cost $75.
NOTE Nutrition Software: estimated cost $75.
Learning Hours: 126 (36 Lecture, 6 Laboratory, 84 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 3 or above and registration in a KINE Plan and KNPE 227 and KNPE 255.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Critically analyze existing literature related to sports nutrition.
- Develop and apply nutritional interventions to enhance exercise performance and recovery.
- Identify and describe key fundamental principles underlying applied sports nutrition.
- Identify and describe the major energy producing pathways during resistance and endurance exercise.