MAPP 300 Media and Performance II Units: 3.00
The course explores the relationship between different media within and across traditional domains such as theatre, film, art, dance, and music. It also focuses on the multiplicity of interactive forms that encompass digital media, by studying digital media practices beyond changing art forms, commercial, and non-profit realms.
NOTE Administered by the Department of Film and Media
NOTE Administered by the Department of Film and Media
Learning Hours: 120 (24 Seminar, 36 Group Learning, 60 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a MAPP, FILM, DRAM, MUSC, or MUTH plan.
Equivalency STSC 339/3.0.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Employ and create media tools for performance.
- Mobilize the skills acquired throughout MAPP 200 and MAPP 300 in the making of collaborative projects.
- Play with contextual and technological constraints for the creation of performances.
- Understand in which ways objects, spaces, and media systems might convey identity and frame the performing body.