Academic Calendar 2023-2024

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PHYS P22 Physics Frontiers: From Colliding Black Holes to Disruptive Technologies

PHYS P22  Physics Frontiers: From Colliding Black Holes to Disruptive Technologies  Units: 3.00  

A descriptive course exploring concepts in physics at the frontiers of active research. Bypassing jargon and mathematical complexities, students will focus on the big questions at the extremes of our understanding of the universe around us. Designed for non-scientists who want to learn how we try to understand our fantastic, physic natural world.

Learning Hours: 114 (24 Lecture, 24 Practicum, 36 Online Activity, 18 Off-Campus Activity, 12 Private Study)  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy

Subject Code for Astronomy:   ASTR Subject Code for Physics:  PHYS World Wide Web Address: