What is the Centre for Academic Integrity?



Academic Integrity Subcommittee

This committee will report to the Senate Committee on Academic Development (SCAD) and the Senate Committee on Academic Procedure (SCAP) on matters of practice and procedure related to academic integrity. It is composed of the Committee Chair, three faculty members at large, one member of the AMS and one member of the SGPS.

Find more information about the subcommittee here.


Academic Integrity Roundtable 

The Academic Integrity Roundtable serves as an information-sharing and advisory forum for those involved in the implementation and operation of the university's academic integrity system(s) and reports to the Academic Integrity Subcommittee. This committee is composed of representatives from a variety of faculties, administrative offices and student groups on campus.This roundtable will meet at least once in each of the school semesters.

Find out more about the Academic Integrity Roundtable here