Profile: Dr Diana Gilchrist

Dr Diana Gilchrist

Teaching & Experiential Learning

I encourage a multi-perspective approach to music. A real benefit of our small and close-knit academic and residential community at Bader College is that we can try to inspire students to informally explore links across courses, and between seemingly diverse subjects such as music and physics, or music and national identities.

One of the best things about teaching Music at Bader College is that I get to take students on some amazing experiential learning opportunities - performances where we enjoy primary and authentic experiences of music we have studied in class. This is the best way to engage with music and it is a vital part of what makes the castle learning environment so rich.

I've been making music at Bader College for over twenty years and my greatest joy is exposing students to new ideas and musical experiences and seeing how this intellectual and personal growth informs and enriches their lives.


My research interests include Music & Emotion, Opera Studies, and Mozart Performance Practice. I’m fascinated by how music can function as a powerful tool in our lives. My current PhD research probes how singers use specific expressive vocal gestures to convey meaning and emotion in performance.

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