Conference Day 2
Friday May 27, 20228:00 am - 6:00 pm
Donald Gordon Conference Centre, 421 Union St., Kingston ON8:00 AM - 8:30 AM | Registration and morning refreshments | |
8:30 AM - 10:15 AM | Concurrent Session 1.1 | Room B (Hybrid) | ![]() |
Does Diversity And Inclusion Include Immigrants? Employer And Skilled Newcomer Experience And Perspectives In The Canadian Context Le Maintien Et La Progression De Carrière Des Femmes Et D’autres Groupes Historiquement Marginalisés Dans L’industrie De La Construction : Étude Des Expérimentations Porteuses Au Canada Et À L’étranger Le travail déraciné : La mécanisation des emplois forestiers est-elle un frein à l’employabilité autochtone?Jeanne Desrochers-Arsenault, Jean-Michel Beaudoin, Marie-Ève Dufour (Université Laval) Disability as an Enabler of Career Success and InclusionDan Samosh (University of Toronto) Chair / Président: Jason Foster (Athabasca University) |
Concurrent Session 1.2 | John Deutsch Room (Hybrid) | ||
Skill needs for employees and employer-felt challenges at a Quebec Union confederation Le droit du travail est-il l’ennemi des droits fondamentaux? The role of trade unions as agents of institutional experimentation in times of major disruption (Covid-19)
Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector of Canada in Light of the Constitutional Right to Strike: Legislative Changes and their Impact on Conflict and Wages Chair / Président: Patrice Jalette (Université de Montréal) |
Concurrent Session 1.3 | Boardroom (Hybrid) | ||
Are new performance management practices useful in improving employees’ job performance? Every cloud has a silver lining?
The boss doesn’t care if you’re tired: The effects of fatigue on performance
The conflicting joint-moderating effects of proactive personality and affective empathy on the relation between vicarious abuse and job satisfaction in the workplace: A conceptual framework Chair / Président: Wassila Merkouche (Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue)
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM | Morning Break | |
10:30 AM - 12:15 PM | Concurrent Session 2.1 | Room B (Hybrid) | ![]() |
Les relations de travail dans les secteurs publics suite à la pandémie Nothing to See Here: The Cargill High River COVID-19 Outbreak as a Case of Regulatory Failure La pandémie de la Covid-19 et le monde de l’éducation : conséquences pour la qualité de l’emploi et du travail du personnel enseignant au Québec Une tragédie pour le dialogue social ? Comment le numérique affecte la dimension théâtrale du dialogue social en temps de COVID-19 Chair / Président: Robert Hickey (Queen’s University) |
Concurrent Session 2.2 | John Deutsch Room (Hybrid) | ||
WORKSHOP La citoyenneté au travail et la grande entreprise au Canada / Industrial Citizenship and The Large Firm in Canada 1) Industrial Citizenship and Social Dialogue in an Era of Digital and Climate Disruption: Changing Repertoires and Experimentation in the Quebec Metalworking Sector Julie Bourgault (Université du Québec en Outaouais)
Julie Hagan, (Université Laval) Chair / Président: Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau (UQAM) |
Concurrent Session 2.3 | Boardroom (Hybrid) | ||
Workers’fundamental Rights In The Age Of Digitalization Is employment status compatible with the on-demand platform economy? Evidence from a natural experiment Embracing digitalization and AI: A taxonomy of tools developed for labor organizations New digital platform work in the time of COVID and the role of the State, labour law and policy Chair / Président: Johanna Weststar (Western University) |
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM | Lunch and Annual General Meeting | Room B (Hybrid) | ![]() |
2:00 PM - 3:45 PM | Concurrent Session 3.1 | Room B (Hybrid) | ![]() |
Enhancing Employees Voice in the Workplace La détérioration de la qualité de l’emploi et du travail des cadres scolaires du Québec : élément déclencheur d’une remise en question du modèle de représentation collective? Le travail au service des gens – La voix des employé·e·s et les conditions de travail. From un-woven societal relationships to a broad-based movement? Union power in societal networks in Quebec Chair / Président: Hannah Johnston (York University) |
Concurrent Session 3.2 | John Deutsch Room (Hybrid) | ||
COVID, care, and control: Gendered labour, worker control, and identity in times of upheaval HRM in the Context of Covid: Resistance, Rescindment and Resentment Uncovering the Hidden Meaning of Work Intensification: Academia and COVID-19 Envisioning Labour Futurities: Applying Lessons from Qualitative Worker Experiences During the Pandemic
Concurrent Session 3.3 | Boardroom (Hybrid) | ||
Délétère ou bénéfique? Les effets de la distance sur l’adéquation individu/organisation etsubordonné/superviseur dans un contexte de télétravail Resisting Flexibility at a Distance? A Cross-National Comparison of Union Responses to Remote Work in Contact Centres The Shifting Locus of Labor Conflict Remote work during COVID-19- a silver lining or a hazard for workers’ wellbeing Chair / Président: Bradley Weinberg (Queen’s University) |
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM | Afternoon Break | |
4:00 PM- 5:00 PM | H.D. Woods Memorial Lecture - Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress | Room B (Hybrid) | ![]() |
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM | Reception and Awards | Room B (Hybrid) | |
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Simultaneous translation will be available in Room B/ Traduction simultanée disponible dans la Salle B |