Jane Errington (History) and Robert Stanley Brown (Chemistry) receive the Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Supervision.
November 22, 2016
Unique Queen’s University student team aims to build a Hyperloop.
November 21, 2016
The Queen's Gaels women's basketball team stretches flawless start to season to four games.
The Queen's community participated in the worldwide initiative with events across campus.
Political Studies and Gender Studies student Claire Gummo named university's 57th Rhodes Scholar.
Faculty members, librarians, and archivists now have a convenient online tool to help prepare their annual/biennial reports.
November 18, 2016
Queen’s helps launch new campaign focused on reducing alcohol-related harms.
Castle programs get students thinking critically and create transferable skills, says Christian Lloyd.
Ontario Association of Art Galleries honours the Agnes Etherington Art Centre with three major awards.
Queen’s researcher John Smol receives 2016 Northern Science Award and Centenary Medal from Polar Knowledge Canada.
November 17, 2016