Persons with lived experience of adversity (overcoming hard times) for the Community Advisory Board

We are looking for persons with lived experience of overcoming hard times in their lives to join our Community Advisory Board.

Hard times could be:

  • Violence at home
  • Neglect, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • Poverty, or not having enough money for food or bills
  • Racism, discrimination, unsafe communities
  • Poor housing, homelessness
  • Trouble finding work, or difficulty getting help you need from services

The commitment involves participating in two-hour quarterly meetings (4 times per year) to provide direction and perspective on the projects of I-CREAte. All community members involved will receive an honorarium for their participation on the Community Advisory Board.

If you feel like you have something to contribute to I-CREAte and are interested in creating change in your community, please contact us.