Small to Medium-sized Enterprises

QPI’s Wings program set Eric Hansen’s HealthSmart program on track

Jul 10, 2023

Wings helped Eric Hansen understand how much he didn’t know about business -- and set him on track. He’s not there yet, but thanks to Wings he knows what he needs to do.

Wings helped idea guy Jesse Purvis make things easier for others

Jul 07, 2023

Through his involvement in the legal cannabis industry, Jesse Purvis had an idea that led him to Wings.

Queen’s spinoff Dynamiris selected to receive INOVAIT funding

Jul 05, 2023

Dynamiris submitted a proposal to INOVAIT and its proposed project was one of 14 to be selected in the third round of INOVAIT’s Pilot Fund call for applications.

Wings program helped Insite Project Consulting Inc. get where they need to go

Jun 26, 2023

As a trained civil engineer and project manager, Nancy Dionne was comfortable dealing with the physical world of engineering but creating a new business didn't come as naturally.

Wings program helped Next Knowledge founder evolve company

Jun 01, 2023

Stephen Straker is a man who has built a career out of learning to evolve. When he had to learn how to evolve yet again, he depended on the Wings program to help him.

Wings provided Mantis Mirror developer Mike Kelly with soundboard for ideas

May 26, 2023

“I’ve been biking for years,” he says, “and it’s just getting inherently more challenging.” Trying to adjust bike mirrors while riding is a dangerous business. The Mantis Mirror System is looking to change that.

Kingston Innovator Wins Award for Cutting-Edge Work to Monitor Breast Cancer Using a Simple Blood Test

May 19, 2023

Up-and-coming company is using a liquid biopsy to monitor tumour size and provide early detection of how well patients are responding to treatment, helping to prolong life

OBIO® Women’s Entrepreneurship Program provides insight and confidence to three Queen’s-licensed startups

May 16, 2023

Three women entrepreneurs advancing health innovations participated in the Women’s Entrepreneurship Program led by the Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization, Women in Health Initiative, and the Institute for Biomedical Entrepreneurship.

Supporting the ecosystem of women-led businesses

May 15, 2023

The WE-CAN Project at Queen’s reflects on the past three years and looks to the future as it continues to empower women entrepreneurs in Kingston and region.

The Kwe-Biz Program proves instrumental in providing resources and mentorship to many Indigenous women entrepreneurs

May 01, 2023

Over the past three years, the WE-CAN Project has served 130 Indigenous women entrepreneurs, 90 of whom received services through the Kwe-Biz Program as part of the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy (WES) Ecosystem funding

Technology Development Pilot Project helped researchers achieve a significant design advancement

Apr 27, 2023

The Technology Development Pilot Project (TDPP), which Queen’s Partnerships and Innovation (QPI) launched with a call for proposals to be submitted in July 2021, awarded funding in November 2021 to three research projects.

WE-CAN client, Ombaashi Applied Technologies, providing leading-edge UAV training

Apr 19, 2023

Maureen Shemrock is the owner of Ombaashi Applied Technologies, a Kingston-based company empowering individuals through training and the professional use of Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems.