
Our group is involved in experimental particle physics using all three phases of matter! Our work with germanium detectors uses solid-state detectors to search, primarily, for the existence of neutrinoless double-beta decay and dark matter. Our work with the SNO+ detector, filled with liquid scintillator, is also primarily aimed at searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay as well as other neutrino physics signals. Finally, we are involved in the NEWS-G collaboration, which makes use of gas-filled proportional counters to search primarily for the existence of dark matter.

Generally, we are interested in working with technologies that are not "single-use". For example, point contact germanium detectors are sensitive to dark matter, neutrinoless double-beta decay, coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering as well as other physics. The SNO+ detector is sensitive to solar and reactor neutrinos as well as yet-to-be-detected possible types of radioactive decay. Finally, we are interested in using the NEWS-G spherical proportional counters to detect the neutrinos from a nuclear reactor, in addition to dark matter. 

 A list of current research projects that we are working on with students is given on our current research page.