place a kiss on the back of my neck
the coffee is still hot
steam is gently rising
and we leave the patio door open
men finishing off a new building
groan and hiss of bus lines
writing again ........

* poem, in its entirety, is available in the printed version of the current issue.


translated by Claudia Rupnik

tu poses un baiser sur ma nuque
le café est encore chaud
de la vapeur s’élève doucement
et nous laissons la porte du patio ouverte
des hommes terminent la construction d’un nouveau bâtiment
plainte et sifflement des lignes d’autobus
reprise de l’écriture ....

* translation, in its entirety, is available in the printed version of the current issue.


Sarain Frank Soonias is a Cree/Anishinaabe writer residing in Vancouver. His poetry is inspired by his evolving relationship with (de)colonization, trauma, love, and healing. Poems from his initial collection All Wrong Horses on Fire That Go Away in the Rain have been featured in the Temz Review and will appear in forthcoming issues of Shrapnel, Carousel, and Queen’s Quarterly.

Claudia Rupnik est écrivaine et une étudiante de premier cycle en études françaises à l’Université Queen’s.