"Fall 2021 - Offering from a Wolf"


Halloween arrives with a blue moon, a harvest moon, a big hunter’s moon for our hunt for Richard. Constable Carmichael asks when we last saw him. Richard has vanished, and for nine days we do not know if he is alive. The moon and silver river across the street fill my eyes as I hand out candy to those masked ones and wonder if Richard floats in that river …


Mark Anthony Jarman’s latest story collection is Czech Techno. He is the author of 19 Knives, My White Planet, New Orleans is Sinking, Dancing Nightly in the Tavern, Knife Party at the Hotel Europa, and the travel book Ireland’s Eye. His novel Salvage King, Ya! is on Amazon.ca’s list of 50 Essential Canadian Books and is the number one book on Amazon’s list of best hockey fiction.