VOLUME 105 1998 - Content and Authors

Spring 1998 - Crime and Punishment

Spring 1998 Issue

Andreas, Peter. The Rise of the American Crimefare State, 49 - 58
Boniface, Pascal. Emotion and Disinformation,155- 157
Duffy, Dennis. Behind the Blackface (review), 73 - 82
Dwyer, Deirdre. Dear Agatha (verse), 145
Davis, Ronald. Discipline and Parole, 9 - 29
Greenspan, Edward. Discipline and Parole, 9 - 29
Gunn, J.A.W. The Old School, (review), 83 - 94
Matheson, Andrew. Discipline and Parole, 9 - 29
Jaeger, Suzanne. Intimacy in the Theatre: Transgressions between Dancer and Dance Lover; 106 - 116
Kordan, Bohdan. Eastern Europe: Ideology, Culture, and the Self, 117 - 128
Luther, Ken. Boundary Layer, 129 - 138
McOrmond, Steve. to silence the earth (verse), 149
Rice, David. The Road to Tobermory (verse), 147
Roazen, Paul. You Say You Want a Revolution ... (review) , 59 - 64
Smith, Judy. Sabotage on the Rigs (fiction), 139 -144
Snider, Lauren. Understanding the Second Great Confinement, 29 - 48
Steeves, Andrew. When Your Grandfather Sells the Farm You Miss His Kitchen Floor (verse), 152-153
Swift, Jamie. The Last Intellectual (review), 65 - 72
Tincknell, Gary. Approaching Train (verse), 151
Yacowar, Maurice. Reconstructing Woody, (film review), 95 - 105

Summer 1998 - Odyssey of a Revolutionary

Summer 1998 Issue

Allison, John. Several (verse), 313
Cox, Terrance. Noises 0ff, (verse), 310
Drummond, Michael. Lonesome Traveler (verse), 309
Fisher, Joe. A Boy's Summer (verse), 31 7
Hoffman, Tod. Paul Theroux's Travels, 195-204
Jarman, Mark Anthony. Travel into Several Remote Nations of the World (fiction), 287 - 306
Leighten, Patricia. Picasso's Century, 217 – 228
Malcolmson, Patricia. Travel in the Mind: A Memoir of Childhood, 277 - 286
McCallum, Paddy. Witness (verse), 314
McCormick, Gordon. The Revolutionary Odyssey of Che Guevara, 169 - 187
McNamara, Eugene. The Island of Sponges (fiction), 243 - 255
Poyatos, Fernando. Byroads to the Past: Spanish Travel Notes, 256 - 276
Roazen, Paul. So Close to the Edge, (review), 187 - 194
Wachtel, Eleanor. Umberto Eco lnterviewed, 205 - 216
Yacowar, Maurice. Primary Colors: Beyond Willy (film review), 229 - 242

Fall 1998 - Who Owns istory?

Fall 1998 Issue

Bell, Fraser. Play Up, Play Up, and Stick It to Them!, 351- 355
Blissett, William. The Play's the Thing: Play Ball!, 357 - 372
Boniface, Pascal. The Geopolitics of Soccer, 345 - 350
Brooks, Reva. Photographer Extraordinaire, 434 - 444
Charney, Ann. Homeless in Venice (fiction), 445 - 457
Grady, Wayne. Acadia, Acadia!, 383 - 391
Henighan, Stephen. Two Pleas (fiction), 458 - 464
Hewitt Mann, Joy. On Visiting the Renoir Exhibit, Ottawa, I997 (verse), 468
Hoffman Tod. History as Conspiracy, 392 - 406
Manos, Kenna Creer. My Cousin Owns Two Days of Land (verse), 470
Roazen, Paul. The Holocaust in History's Mirrors, 373 - 382
Taylor, Charles. Globalization and the Future of Canada, 331 - 344
Ward, Bruce. Canadian Reflections of a Russian in Dresden, 407 - 421
Wayman, Tom. Sorry My Paper is Late, but (verse), 465
Wayman, Tom. Anthem: Under the Horned Moon (verse), 466
Yacowar, Maurice. Thirteen Ways of Looking at The Truman Show (film review), 422 - 443

Fall 1998 - The Myth of the Hero

Winter 1998 Issue

Bloom, Ronna. Toast (verse), 629
Francis, Daniel. Myth and History, 473 - 475
Hoffman Tod. The Informants, 529 - 40
Jaeger, Suzanne. The Years of Pilgrimage, 579 - 584
Keeling, Ian Donald. The River in Reverse (verse), 630
Kilpatrick, Ross. Winnie-the-Pooh and the Canadian Connection, 619 - 627
Kingwell, Mark. Commodity and Culture: The Object in Question, 489 - 511
Litovitz, Malka. Huck Finn, Barbara Kingsolver, and the American Dream, (review), 601 - 610
Rapoport, Anatol. Hysteria, Witch Hunts, and Whistle Blowers, 513 - 27
Rombout, Melissa. Approaching the Legends of Yousuf Karsh, 586 – 599
Steeves, Andrew. If Historians Traced the Divine One's Missing Years
Through His Hand-crafted Furnishings (verse), 628
Thornton, A.P. Balfour and Zionism, 557 - 576
Unwin, Peter. Used Cars (fiction), 611- 617
Yacowar, Maurice. Negotiating the Loner, 543 - 555
Zydek, Frederick. Edging in on the Dreamtime (verse), 631