Tired of seeing roads being dug up to replace aging pipe infrastructure? Civil engineering research at Queen’s is bringing a new light to innovative, no-dig rehabilitation techniques. In this image, a UV light train is being prepared to help rehabilitate the adjacent corrugated steel pipe. The inside of the pipe has been lined with a fabric fibreglass tube embedded with UV cure resin. When the light train passes through the tube, the UV cures the resin solid and transforms the fabric tube into a solid liner. The new liner and pipe will further undergo buried experiments that will bring new insight into the structural behaviour of these systems.
Submission Year:
Photographer's affiliation:
Graduate student
Academic areas:
Smith Engineering
Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

PhD student/candidate
Smith Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
School of Graduate Studies
Sustainability, Environment and Resources
Location of photograph:
GeoEngineering lab, Queen's University
Photographer's name:
Robert Cichocki
Display Photographers Affiltion + Faculty or Department:
PhD Student, Civil Engineering