Submissions and Correspondence

The Queen's Quarterly seeks submissions on any topic that presents a novel perspective and point of departure for thinking about our contemporary world. Whether fiction or non-fiction, a premium will be placed on singularity of voice, accessibility of ideas and relevance to issues of common concern. Honoraria are paid, editorial services are provided and the chance to kick-start a national conversation is on offer.

Submission Guidelines:

We print unpublished articles, essays, short stories and poetry. For poetry and fiction, we will consider up to six poems or two stories.

Submissions are limited to a maximum of 3,000 words and may be simultaneously submitted elsewhere, but not published elsewhere.

Payment to new writers will be determined at time of acceptance and paid upon publication.

We encourage submissions to be sent by e-mail attachment and will be replied to by email.

Please identify your submission attachment by your name, and include your mailing address.

Please allow 4 - 8 weeks for submission review.

Submissions can also be sent by hard copy by mail. Original submissions will not be returned and notification of rejection or acceptance will be sent by email only. If accepted, we will require a copy of the accepted submission by e-mail attachment.

Address all submissions to:

James Carson, Editor 
Queen's Quarterly
402 Douglas Library,
Queen's University, 93 University Ave.,
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 5C4

Telephone 613 533-2667

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding submitting articles, past articles or about the contributing authors.