Welcome to my research group web page. The Queen's Tectonics Research Laboratory conducts research aimed at understanding the dynamic processes operating in mountain belts, with a focus on the structural and thermal evolution of the continental crust and the influence of reactivated faults on regional seismicity.
Recent news
- Taylor's first paper from her PhD research on the Influence of reactivated basement structures on evolving orogens just appeared in GSA Bulletin (October 2024): Congratulations!
- Check out this GradChat Podcast of Taylor talking about her PhD research. A great listen!
- What a year so far for QTRL students! Taylor (PhD candidate) has been successful in obtaining the prestigious NSERC Canadian Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Award, a GSA Student Research Grant, and a Mineralogical Association of Canada Research Award, while MSc candidate Michelle Pearce received a 2024-2025 Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Congratulations to both! (July 2024).
- New paper in Geomorphology on Intraplate active basement fault reactivation and fluvial drainage modification in eastern Bundelkhand craton, Madhya Pradesh, India (June 2023)
- Daniela has just successfully completed the examination of her MSc thesis entitled 'Thermal history of the Frontenac Arch in SE Ontario, Canada constrained from low-temperature thermochronology'. Well done! (January 2023)
- Congratulations to Taylor for her successful promotion to our PhD program; here’s to new and exciting research in the coming years! (March 2022)
- New paper on Indian plate structural inheritance influencing the Himalayan foreland basin in Nepal, published in the October 2021 issue of Basin Research.
- CONGRATULATIONS to Mike for winning the 2021 D. Elliott Best Paper Award, given by the Canadian Tectonics Group, for the paper 'Active strike-slip faults and a new frontal thrust in the Himalayan foreland basin', published in 2020 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; Also check out the YouTube video on this paper!
- New paper from Mark Ahenda's MSc thesis on protolith affiliation of the Gurla Mandhata core complex in NW Nepal Himalaya, published in Geosphere (February 2021)
- Congratulations to Zoe for her latest paper on spatio-temporal challanges in dating orogen-scale shear zones, published in Tectonophysics (2020)
- Well done to Svieda for her career first peer-reviewed publication on fault reactivation and tectonic inheritance along the Bathurst fault in western Nunavut, Canada, published in the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2020)