Christian Leuprecht
Hon. B.A., D.É.A., M.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Queen's)
Christian Leuprecht is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Economics at the Royal Military College of Canada, and cross-appointed to the Department of Political Studies and the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University where he is also a fellow of the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations and the Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, Christian Leuprecht’s award-winning publications have appeared in English, German, French, and Spanish, and include a dozen books as well as over 60 scholarly articles and book chapters . He is a frequent commentator in national and international media.
I am pleased to speak to media on a number of topics. My expertise includes:
- national and international security;
- border security;
- national defence;
- terrorism;
- violent extremism;
- radicalization;
- organized crime;
- Canadian Forces; and,
- Department of National Defence.
Find an in depth inventory of my media appearances
Contact Me
Regular Hours
To reach me for an interview during regular business hours
(Monday - Friday, 08:30 - 17:00 EST), I recommend contacting:
Dave Rideout
Communications Officer
Queen’s University
613-533-6000 ext. 79648
Brett Byers-Lane
Communications and Digital Media Manager
Macdonald Laurier Institute
613-482-8237 ext. 105
- For television, Queen's University can provide both live (real-time) and pre-tape double-enders for national and international broadcast;
- For radio, Queen's University can provide high quality Switch 56 and ISDN broadcast links for live broadcast and taped double-enders;
- I can also communicate using Skype (username: leuprech).