Curriculum Vitae

Christian Leuprecht

Hon. B.A., D.É.A., M.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Queen's)

Education | Professional History | Visiting Fellowships | Research Affiliations | Honours and Fellowships | Publications | Extra-mural Research Funding | Graduate Student Supervision | Conference Presentations | Service | Invited Speaking Engagements



Ph.D., Queen's University

Political Studies


M.A., University of Toronto



M.A., University of Toronto

Political Science


Diplôme des Etudes Approfondies (M.A. equivalent), Université Pierre Mendès-France

Political Sociology


Honours Bachelor of Arts, University of Toronto

Political Science (specialist), French (major), History (minor)

Professional History



Class of 1965 Professor in Leadership, Royal Military College of Canada
(promoted 2009 to Associate, 2015 to Professor)

  • 2014-2015 Associate Dean
  • 2010-2012 Deputy Department Head
  • 2009-2015 Associate Professor
  • 2005-2009 Assistant Professor


Centre for Security, Armed Forces and Society, Royal Military College of Canada

Adjunct Professor

School of Policy Studies and Department of Political Studies, Queen’s University


Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University


Centre for International and Defence Policy, Queen’s University

Adjunct Research Professor

Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security, Charles Sturt University



Defense Management Studies Program, Queen’s University


Postdoctoral fellow

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Visiting Fellowships

2019 Eisenhower Fellowhip, NATO Defence College

Matthew Flinders Fellow, Flinders University Law School, Centre for Crime Policy and Research


Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg Institute for Advanced Study, Bremen, Germany (January-May)


Université Grenoble Alpes (November)

Ukrainian National Defence University (March)


University of Augsburg, Institute for Canadian Studies (May-July)

European Academy Summer School on Minority Rights, Italy (June)


Bicentennial Associate Professor in Canadian Studies, Yale University (August – June)

2008, 2013, 2016

Swedish National Defense College


University of Graz, Austria (May)

European Academy, Bolzano, Italy (June)

Research Affiliations


SERENE Smart Cybersecurity Network


Borders in Globalization SSHRC Partnership Grant
Security Theme Lead

2015-2022 Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society SSHRC Partnership Grant
University Representative

Ethnicity and Democratic Governance, SSHRC Multilateral Research Initiative


Public Policy in Municipalities, SSHRC Multilateral Research Initiative


Senior Fellow, Macdonald Laurier Institute

Observatoire sur la radicalization et l’extrémisme violent (OSR)

Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les relations internationales du Canada et du Québec (CIRRICQ)

International Centre for Comparative Criminology, Université de Montréal (CICC)

Austrian Institute for European and Security Studies

Honours and Awards


Cowan Prize for Excellence in Research, Royal Military College of Canada


Member, Royal Society of Canada, College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists

2017, 2014

Royal Military College of Canada Commandant’s Commendation for exceptional service


Queen’s University Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award (honourable mention,


U.S. Joint Special Operations University, Commandant’s Coin for Excellence


Maureen Molot Prize for Best Article, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal

Finalist: 2013, 2014, 2015;
Nominee: 2008, 2012

Teaching Excellence Award, Royal Military College of Canada


United States Military Academy, Commandant’s Coin for Excellence


Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, Solomon Ash Center for the Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict


Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


European Union DEMOG Research Network Pre-Doctoral Fellowship


Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria


Names of mentored HQP are in bold. Name of the corresponding author is underlined. Names other than Leuprecht are collaborators from academia (Canadian1 and International 2) or government.3

SJR = Scimago Journal Rank

Edited and co-edited volumes


20. Heinecken, L2 and Leuprecht, C. Domestic Military Operations and the Global Response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparative Global Implications for civil-military relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

19. Leuprecht, C. Soldier-Scholars: Postsecondary Education of Future Officers across allied and partner countries. Oxford University Press.  


18. Leuprecht, C. and Hataley T1. Security. Cooperation. Governance: The Canada-United States Open Border Paradox.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 

17. Leuprecht, C and Ferrill, J2. Dirty Money: Financial Crime in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.  Canada: The State of the Federation series. 

16. Leuprecht, C., Hataley T1, and Brunet-Jailly, E1. Patterns in Border Security: Regional Comparisons. Abingdon: Routledge. 

2022 15. Leuprecht, C. Polar Cousins: Comparative Perspectives on Antarctic and Arctic Geostrategic Futures. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.
2020 14. Lanoszka, A1, Leuprecht, C and Moens, A1. Lessons from the enhanced Forward Presence, 2017-2020. Rome: NATO Defence College, 98 pp. 

13. Leuprecht, C, Koelling, M and Hataley, T1. Public Security in Federal Polities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

12. Okros, A1, Zade, R and Leuprecht, C. Surfing the Digital Tsunami. New York: VS Springer.


11. Leuprecht, C., Sokolsky, JJ1 and Hughes, T. North American Strategic Defence in the 21st Century: Security and Sovereignty in an Uncertain World. New York: VS Springer.

10. Leuprecht, C. and MacLellan, S1. Governing Cyber Security in Canada, Australia and the United States. Waterloo, ON: Centre for International Governance Innovation


9. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1 and Nossal, KR1. 2012. Evolving Transnational Threats and Border Security: A New Research Agenda. Kingston: Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, 125 pp.

En français: Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1 and Nossal, KR1. 2012. Évolution des menaces transnationales et sécurité frontalière : Un nouveau programme de recherche. Kingston: Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, 147 pp.


8. Leuprecht, C and Russell, PH1. 2011. Essential Readings in Canadian Constitutional Politics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Higher Education, 512 pp.

7. Courchene, T1 and Allan, J1, Leuprecht, C, Verrelli, N. 2011.The Federal Idea: Essays in Honour of Ronald L. Watts. Kingston & Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 500 pp.

6. Szvirczsev Tresch, T2 and Leuprecht, C. 2011. Europe without Soldiers? Recruitment and Retention among Europe’s Armed Forces. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 288 pp. (Reviewed in Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 19(2) 2013, Armed Forces & Society 38(4) 2012: 683-685, Parameters Summer 2012: 139-141, Journal of Slavic Military Studies 24 2011: 712-713)


5. Leuprecht, C, Troy, J and Last, D1. 2010. Mission Critical: The Role of Smaller Democracies in Global Stability Operations. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 250 pp. Awarded the 2011 Canada-Prize.

4. Leuprecht, C. 2010. Defending Democracy and Securing Diversity. Abingdon: Routledge, 191 pp. (Reviewed in Journal of Peace Research 2011 48(1): 132, Democracy and Security 8(1) 2012: 97-99, Security and Defence Studies Review 11 Fall-Winter: 195-196.)


3. Allan, J1, Courchene, TJ1 & Leuprecht, C. 2008. Canada: The State of the Federation 2006. Transitions: Fiscal and Political Federalism in an Era of Change. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 390 pp.


2. Lazar, H1 & Leuprecht, C. 2007. Spheres of Governance: Comparative Studies of Cities in Multilevel Governance Systems. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 320 pp. (Reviewed in Publius 39(1): 210-212.)


1. Young R1 & Leuprecht, C. 2006. Canada: The State of the Federation. Municipal-Federal-Provincial Relations. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 424 pp.

Guest editor of special issue of peer-reviewed scholarly journals

2019 3. Leuprecht, C. Canadian Public Administration. Special Issue on Border Security across Canada’s Regions. SJR = Q2

2. Leuprecht C. and Hataley, T1. Forthcoming. Journal of Borderland Studies 33(3). Special Issue on Cooperation among cross-border communities. SJR = Q2


1. Leuprecht, C. 2009. Guest Editor, Special Issue of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 47(4). SJR = Q2

Peer-reviewed articles in scholarly journals


48. Skillicorn, DB. and Leuprecht, C. Clustering Semi-Structured Heterogeneous Social Science Datasets for National Security Applications. In Security by Design: Innovative Perspectives on Complex Problems. Ed. Anthony Masys. New York: VS Springer, pp. 181-192.

47. Skillicorn, DB1, Walther, O2, Zhen, Q and Leuprecht, C. Distance, Borders, and Time: The Diffusion and Permeability of Political Violence in North and West Africa. Terrorism and Political Violence. SJR = Q1

46. Leuprecht, C. The Trump Effect of the New Underground Railroad? Bordering Processes of Irregular Migration into Canada in the Era of Globalization. Geopolitics. SJR = Q1

45. Leuprecht, C, Szeman, J and Skilliborn, DB1. The Damoclean sword of offensive cyber: Policy uncertainty and collective insecurity. Contemporary Security Policy. SJR = Q2

44. Leuprecht, C and Zade, R. The Canada-US Border Effect: Islamist Extremists in Comparative Perspective. Canadian Journal of Political Science. SJR = Q2

43. Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 and Derow, J. Paying it Forward: Canada’s Renewed Commitment to NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence. International Journal. SJR = Q2

42. Leuprecht, C., Cockfield, A1, Simpson, P and Haseeb, M. Tackling Transnational Terrorist Resourcing Nodes and Networks. Florida State University Law Review 46.

41. Skillicorn, DB, Leuprecht, C1 and Green, A. Leveraging Police Incident Data for Intelligence-Led Policing. Global Crime. Special Issue on Illicit Network. SJR = Q1

40. Leuprecht, C and Roseberry, P. La démographie politique du conflit au Mali. Afrique contemporaine. Special Issue on the conflict in Mali. Ed.


39. Skillicorn, DB1 and Leuprecht, C. Copresence Networks. IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics. SJR = Q1

38. Hataley, T1 and Leuprecht, C. Determinants of Cross-Border Cooperation. Journal of Borderland Studies 33(3): 317-328. SJR = Q2

37. O’Halloran, P.J., Leuprecht, C., Ghanbapour-Dizboni, A., Green, A.,and Adelstein, D. 2018. The terrorist resourcing model applied to Canada. Journal of Money Laundering Control. 21(1): 33-46.


36. Walther, O2, Leuprecht, C and Skillicorn, DB1. Political Fragmentation and Alliances among Armed Non-State Actors in North and Western Africa (1997-2014).Terrorism and Political Violence. SJR = Q1

A more elaborate version of this article is found in African Border Disorders. Eds. O. Walther and W. Miles. Abingdon: Routledge Series in African and International Politics, pp. 60-86. (Favourably reviewed in Foreign Affairs March/April 2018).

35. Leuprecht, C, Walther, O2, Skillicorn, DB1, and Ryde-Collins, H. Hezbollah’s Global Tentatcles: A relational approach to convergence with transnational organized crime. Terrorism and Political Violence Terrorism and Political Violence 29(5): 902-921 SJR = Q1


34. Skillicorn, DB1, and Leuprecht, C. Incumbency effects in U.S. presidential campaigns: Language patterns matter. Electoral Studies 43(2016): 95-103. (As featured in the Kingston Whig Standard and PsyPost) SJR = Q1 (Top 7% in Political Science and International Relations)

33. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C, and Tait, V. 2016. Beyond the Castle Model of Cybersecurity. Government Information Quarterly. 33(2): 250-257. SJR = Q1 (Top 7% in Sociology and Political Science)

See my talk at Flinders University on this topic.

Abridged and revised portions of this article subsequently appeared as Computing in Compromised Environments: Beyond the Castle Model of Cyber-Security. In Exploring the Security Landscape: Non-Traditional Security Challenges. Ed. Anthony Masys. New York: VS Springer: 249-265. Initial draft version published by the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy as Working Paper No. 4, July 2015.

32. Porges, M and Leuprecht, C. 2016. Abstenerse de terror: el caso de desconcierto de la resistencia no violenta en el Sáhara Occidental. Revista CIDOB d’Afers internationcionals no. 112. April: 149-172. SJR = Q2

Co-published in English as The Puzzle of Nonviolence in Western Sahara. Democracy and Security 2016 12(2): 65-84. SJR = Q2
reprinted in When Does Terrorism Work?, ed. Diego Muro. Abingdon: Routledge Series: Extremism and Democracy, 2018, chapter 7.

31. Leuprecht, C, Aulthouse, A and Walther, O2. 2016. The puzzling resilience of transnational organized criminal networks. Police Practice & Research 17(4): 376-387. Special Issue on Policing Drug Markets, eds. Christopher Birkbeck and Eduardo PaesMachado. SJR = Q1


30. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C, Stys, Y3 and Gobeil, R3. 2015. Prisoner Radicalization: Structural Differences among Violent Extremists. Global Crime 16(3): 238-259. SJR = Q1

29. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C. 2015. Deception in Speeches of Candidates for Public Office. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities.

28. Skillicorn, DB1 and Leuprecht, C. 2015. Clustering Heterogeneous Semi-Structured Social Science Datasets. Procedia Computer Science (International Conference on Computational Science), 51: 2888-2892. SJR = Q2

27. Leuprecht, C. and Sokolsky, JJ1. 2015. Defence Policy, ‘Walmart Style’: Canadian lessons in ‘not-so-grand’ strategy. Armed Forces & Society 41(3): 541-562.
Revised and abridged version reprinted in Going to War? Trends in Military Interventions. Eds. Stéphanie von Hlatky and H. Christian Breede. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016. SJR = Q1


26. Leuprecht, C. 2014. Political Demography of Canada-US co-dependence in defence and security. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 20(3): 291-304. Recipient of the Maureen Molot Prize for Best Article.

25. Hataley, T1 and Leuprecht, C. December 2014. Asymmetric decentralization of the administration of multilevel security governance in the Canadian federal political system. Canadian Public Administration 57(4): 507-526. SJR = Q2

24. Leuprecht, C and Aulthouse, A. December 2014. Guns for Hire: Mapping Canada-US cross-border gun trafficking networks. Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law and Society 15(3): 57-74.


23. Skillicorn, DB1 and Leuprecht, C. 2013. Improving the Language of Influence. Proceedings of Foundations of Open Source Intelligence Workshop (FOSINT-SI), at Advances in Social Network Analysis and Modelling (ASONAM), ACM & IEEE: 1028-1033. SJR = Q1

22. Leuprecht, C and Hall, K. 2013. Networks as strategic repertoires: Functional differentiation among Al-Shabaab terror cells. Global Crime 14(2-3): 287-310. Special issue on Advances in Research on Illicit Networks.
Reprinted in Advances in Research on Illicit Networks. Ed. Martin Bouchard. Abingdon: Routledge, 2015, pp. 287-310.
Revised and expanded version published as Why Terror Networks are Dissimilar: How Structure Relates to Function. In Networks and Network Analysis for Defence and Security. Ed. Anthony Masys. New York: VS Springer, Lecture notes in Social Networks series, 2014, pp. 83-120.

21. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1 and Skillicorn, DB1. 2013. Cross-Border Terror Networks: A Social Network Analysis of the Canada-U.S. Border. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. Special Issue: Applying Social Network Analysis to Terrorism. 5(2): 155-175. SJR = Q1

20. Skillicorn, DB1 and Leuprecht, C. 2013. Inferring the Mental State of Influencers. Social Network Analysis and Mining 3(3): 565-596. SJR = Q1

19. Leuprecht, C and Hataley, T1. 2013. Sûreté, Sécurité Civile et Mesures d’Urgence au sein des systèmes de gouvernance multiniveau. Téléscope : Revue d’analyse comparée en administration publique 19(1) : 176-193. Numéro spécial sur la gouvernance multiniveau.


18. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C and Winn, C1. 2012. Homegrown Islamist Radicalization in Canada: Process Insights from an Attitudinal Survey, Canadian Journal of Political Science 45(4) December: 929-956. SJR = Q2

17. Skillicorn, DB and Leuprecht, C. 2012. Mental State of Influencers. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining. Foundations of Open-Source Intelligence FOSINT 2012: 922-929.

16. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C and Hataley, T1. 2012. Vectors of Extremism Across the Canada-US Border. IEEE Conference on Intelligence and security Informatics: 162-164.

15. Leuprecht, C. 2012. The nascent societies and governments of Germany’s unitary federalism. Regional and Federal Studies 22(2) April: 177-203. Top = Q1

14. Leuprecht, C. Spring 2012. Public Safety in Federal Systems: A Primer. L’Europe en formation 363(4): 417-436.
Revised version reprinted in Jahrbuch des Föderalismus, Vol. 13. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, 2012, pp. 108-122.

13. Leuprecht, C. 2012. The ethno-demographic structure of democratic consolidation in Mauritius and Fiji. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 50(1) February: 23-49. SJR = Q2


12. McCauley, C2, Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1, Winn, C1 and Biswas, B. 2011. Tracking the War of Ideas: A Poll of Ottawa Muslims. Terrorism and Political Violence 23(5): 804-819. SJR = Q1

11. Leuprecht, C and Skillicorn, DB1. 2011. Radicalization: What, if anything, is to be done? When the facts get in the way of a good story. Home Team Journal 3: 38-47.


10. Leuprecht, C. 2010. International Security Strategy and Global Population Aging. Journal of Strategic Security. Winter 3(4): 27-48. Top = Q2

9. Leuprecht, C. 2010. The Demographic Security Dilemma, Yale Journal of International Affairs 5-2 Spring-Summer: 60-74.

8. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1, McCauley, C2 and Moskalenko, S. 2010. Containing the Narrative: Strategy and Tactics in Countering the Storyline of Global Jihad, Journal of Policing, Intelligence, and Counter Terrorism, 5(1) April-May: 42-57. SJR = Q2
Revised version reprinted as Narratives and counter-narratives for Global Jihad: opinion versus action. In Countering Violent Extremist Narratives, Kessels, E.J.A.M., ed. The Hague: National Coordinator for Counterterrorism (NCTb): 2010, pp. 58 - 70.


7. Leuprecht, C. 2009. Diversity in Security and Defence: Democracy’s Ultimate Litmus Test. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 47(4) November: 559-579.
reprinted in Defending Democracy and Securing Diversity, C. Leuprecht, ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2011, pp. 217-237. SJR = Q2

6. Leuprecht, C et al. 2009. Winning the Battle but Losing the War? Narrative and Counter-Narrative Strategy. Perspectives on Terrorism 3(2) August: 25-35.


5. Leuprecht, C. and McHugh, J.T.2 2008. Fixed Election Cycles: A genuine alternative to responsible government? Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 46(4) November: 415-441. SJR = Q2


4. Leuprecht, C. 2005. Kanadas Streitkräfte als Vorreiter im postnationalen Umbruch. Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien, Vol. 47. [Postnational armed forces: The Canadian example; published in the German Journal of Canadian Studies].


3. Leuprecht, C. 2003. The Tory Fragment in Canada: Endangered Species? Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique 36(2): 401-416. SJR = Q2


2. Leuprecht, C. and McCreery, C.3 2002. When Fraud Comes of Age: Libations and Legitimacy in Canadian Electioneering. Public Integrity 4(4): 273-289.

1. Leuprecht, C. 2002. The liberal contradictions of Quebec nationalism. Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism 29: 13-26.

Chapters in peer-reviewed books


52. Leuprecht, C, Green, A, and Sundberg, K1. Canada Border Services Agency. Mapping the Canadian Intelligence Community. Ed. Stephanie Carvin. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

51. Hataley, T1 and Leuprecht, C. Bilateral Coordination of Border Security, Intelligence Sharing, Counter-Terrorism, and Counter-Radicalization. In Canada Among Nations 2017. Eds. Christopher Sands, David Carment, and Inger Weibust. Baskingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

50. Leuprecht, C. Northern Border Integrity. In The North Americn Arctic: New Trends in Regional Security. Eds. Dwayne Menezes and Heather Nicol. London: University College London Press

49. Leuprecht, C. and McNorton, H. Border Security: Ontario. In Ontario: Bordering the Great Lakes and Beyond. Ed. Victor Konrad. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

48. Leuprecht, C. and Dizboni, A1. Instruments and Arrangements against online Terrorism Relating to International Cooperation. Ed. John R. Vacca. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

47. Leuprecht, C. Political Demography of Diversity in the Canadian Armed Forces. In Strengthening the Canadian Forces through Diversity: We stand on guard for thee. Eds. Bessma Momani and Alistair Edgar. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

46. Leuprecht, C. Strategic implications of demographic change for the Canadian Armed Forces. In Canadian defence: theory & policy. Eds. Srdjan Vucetic, Philippe Lagassé and Thomas Juneau. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

45. Hataley, T.1 and Leuprecht, C. Canada. Public Security in Federal Polities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

44. Leuprecht, C., McCauley, C2. and Skillicorn, DB1. Terrorists, Radicals, and Activists: Distinguishing between Countering Violent Extremism and Countering Extremist Violence, and why it matters. In Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Assessing Canada’s Domestic and International Strategies. Ed. Stéphanie von Hlatky. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

43. Skillicorn, DB1. and Leuprecht, C. Clustering Heterogeneous Semi-Structured Dataset in Applications to Criminology: A Records Management System Case Study. In Criminology at the Edge: Big Data in Criminology. Eds. Benoit Leclerc and Jesse Cale. Abingdon: Routledge.


42. Ghanbarpour-Dizboni, A.1 and Leuprecht, C. Framing, Branding and Explaining: A Survey of Perception of Islam and Muslims in Canadian polls, Government, and Academia. In Islam in the West: Perceptions and Reactions. New Ed., Eds. Abe Ata and Jan Ali. Sydney: Oxford University Press, chapter 3.

41. Leuprecht, C. and Kölling, M. Innere Sicherheit und Terrorismusbekämpfung in föderalen Mehrebenensystemen. Ed. Martin Grosse Hüttmann. Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2018. Nomos Verlag.

40. Skillicorn, DB1. and Leuprecht, C. Clustering Semi-Structured Heterogeneous Social Science Datasets for National Security Applications. In Security by Design: Innovative Perspectives on Complex Problems. Ed. Anthony Masys. New York: VS Springer, pp. 181-192.

39. Leuprecht, C. and Sokolsky, J.J. Implications and Consequences of Canada’s contribution to the Enhanced Forward Presence in Latvia for the Transatlantic Relationship. In Security of the Baltic Sea Region amid the Baltic Centenary. Eds. Māris Andžāns and Andris Spruds. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, pp. 99-111.
An abridged version of this chapter was republished in Atlantisch Perspectief 2018 (5).

38. Leuprecht, C. Containing the Proliferation of Incitement: A Canadian Perspective. In Incitement to Terrorism. Eds. A. Bayefsky and Laurie . Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, pp. 66-74.

37. Leuprecht, C. and Walther, O2. Terrorist Financing: Transnational Networks. In The Palgrave Handbook on Criminal and Terrorist Financing Law. Eds. Clive Walker, Colin King and Jimmy Gurule. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 945-966.

2017 36. Leuprecht, C. and J.J. Sokolsky. 2016.Canada’s Enhance Forward Presence in the Baltics: An Enduring Commitment to Transatlantic Security.” In NATO – from Warsaw to Brussels. Future of the Alliance and the Enhanced Forward Presence. Ed. Māris Andžāns. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, pp. 118-128.

Versions of this chapter have been republished
in Atlantisch Perspectief 2017 (5): 21-26; and in
NATO Association of Canada. Global Security in Canada’s Post 150, pp. 12-18.

35. Leuprecht, C. Scanning the Consequences of Demographic Change for the Emerging Security Landscape. In Exploring the Security Landscape – non-traditional security challenges. Ed. Anthony Masys. New York: VS Springer, Lecture notes in Social Networks series, pp. 141-157.


34. Leuprecht, C. Political Demography of the New Security Environment. Eds. Melvin Dubnick and Domonic Bearfield. The Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy 3rd ed .Eds. Domonic Bearfield and Melvin Dubnick. New York: Taylor and Francis; Vol 4, pp. 2983-2992.

33. Leuprecht, C. 2015. Geriatric Interventions: The demographic economy of interventionist malaise. In Elusive Pursuits: Lessons from Canada’s Interventions Abroad. Canada Among Nations. Eds. Steven Saideman, Fen Osler Hampson and James Manicom. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 225-241.

32. Leuprecht, C. Borders & Security. In Countering Transnational Crime. Eds. William Mendel and Peter McCabe. AFB MacDill, FL: Joint Special Operations University Press, chapter 9, pp. 131-146.

31. Leuprecht, C. 2015. Go With The Flow: The (Im)Plausibility of a Grand Canadian Intergovernmental Bargain on Energy Policy and Strategy. In The State of the Federation 2012: Regions, Resources, Resiliency. Eds. Loleen Berdahl and Carolyn Tuohy. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, chapter 2, pp. 9-23.

30. Leuprecht, C., Kölling, M and Hataley, T1. 2015. Public Security in Federal Systems. In Federalism as Decision-Making: changes in structures, procedures and policies. Eds. Francesco Palermo and Elisabeth Alber. Leiden: Brill, Martinus Nijhoff, chapter 17, pp. 339-357.

29. Leuprecht, C. 2015. Coping with Diversity in the Armed Forces: Implications for civil-military relations. In Wie viel Vielfalt benötigen/vertragen die Streitkräfte? Eds. Phil C. Langer and Gerhard Kümmel. Berlin: Miles-Verlag, pp. 61-92.


28. Kümmel, G2 and Leuprecht, C. 2014. Selbst-und Fremdbilder des bundesdeutschen Soldaten. In Handbuch Militärische Berufsethik, Band II. Eds. Thomas Bohrmann, Karl-Heinz Lather and Friedrich Lohmann, pp. 17-40.

27. Leuprecht, C. 2014. Urban and Metropolitan Security. In Public Security in Systems. Ed. Ajay K. Mehra. New Delhi: Lancer Publishers, chapter 4.


26. Leuprecht, C. 2012. The West’s Last War? Neo-interventionism, strategic surprise and the waning appetite for playing the away game. In The Armed Forces: Towards a Post-Interventionist Era? Eds. Gerhard Kümmel and Bastian Giegerich. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 63-72.

25. Leuprecht, C. 2012. Recruitment and Retention Strategy: Endogenous Constraints, Exogenous Imperatives. Eds. Gerhard Kümmel and Joseph Soeters. New Wars, New Militaries, New Soldiers? Conflicts, the Armed Forces, and the Soldierly Subject. Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, no. 19. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., pp. 187-205.

24. Leuprecht, C. 2012. Perspectivas académicas sobre seguridad y defensa en América del Norte. In Agendas comunes y diferencias en la seguridad de América del Norte: Canadá, Estados Unidos y México. (¿De dónde venimos?, ¿dónde estamos? y ¿adónde queremos ir?). Ed. Abelardo Rodriguez Sumano. México: Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales, pp. 331-342.

23. Leuprecht, C. 2012. Resisting from the Periphery: Constitutional, Institutional, and Societal Conditions and Drivers of Federal Encroachment of Constituent Units. In Governing from the Centre: the influence of the federal / central government on subnational governments. Ed. Gisela Färber. Speyer: German Research Institute for Public Administration, pp. 75-103.

22. Leuprecht, C. 2012. Security Implications of Demographic Change: A Canadian Perspective. In Evolving Transnational Threats and Border Security. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T, and Nossal, KR. Kingston: Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, pp. 39-50.
In French translation. Répercussions des changements démographiques sur la sécurité : Une perspective canadienne. In Evolution des menaces transnationales et sécurité frontalière. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T, and Nossal, KR. Kingston: Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, pp. 47-59.


21. Leuprecht, C. 2011. Deter or Engage? The demographic structure of ethno-nationalist conflict. In Political Demography: How Population Changes are Reshaping International Security and National Politics. Eds. M. Duffy Toft, J. Goldstone, and E. Kaufmann. New York: Oxford University Press, Chapter 15, pp. 226-237. (Reviewed in The Economist 19 May 2012).


20. Szvirczsev Tresch, T2 and Leuprecht, C. 2010. Whom Shall We Send: The Best of the Brightest or the Worst of the Desperate? In Europe without Soldiers? Recruitment and Retention among Europe’s Armed Forces. Eds. Szvirczsev Tresch, T and Leuprecht, C. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 1-17.

19. Leuprecht, C. 2010. Socially Representative Armed Forces: A Demographic Imperative. In Europe without Soldiers? Recruitment and Retention among Europe’s Armed Forces. Eds. Szvirczsev Tresch, T and Leuprecht, C. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 35-54.

18. Leuprecht, C. 2010. At the demographic crossroads: International Security Strategy for the 21st century. In Mission Critical: The Role of Smaller Democracies in Global Stability Operations. Eds. Leuprecht, C, T. Jodok and D. Last. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 13-47.


17. Leuprecht, C. 2009. From unitarizing administrative quasi-federalism to a genuine federal system: How demographic change will drive fiscal-federalism reform as a means to improving the performance of public finances Germany. In Föderalismusreform II, Ralf Baus, Rudolf Hrbek and Henrik Scheller, eds. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 1-35.

16. Leuprecht, C. 2009. Demographic Change -- A Catalyst for Federal Asymmetry. In Francesco Palermo, Carolin Zwilling and Karl Kössler, eds. Asymmetries in Constitutional Law: Recent developments in federal and regional systems. Bolzano/Bozen: European Academy, 2009, pp. 189-223.

15. Leuprecht, C. 2009. Policy Matters: Recognizing Immigrants' Academic and Professional Qualifications in Canada. In Wissen wandert/Knowledge Migrates -- Migration und know-how -- Potenziale für Berlin. Brigitte Fahrenhorst et al, eds. Berlin: Society for International Development, 2009, pp. 24-33.


14. Leuprecht, C. 2008. Autonomy and Diversity. In Building On and Accommodating Diversities, R. L. Watts and R. Chattopadhyay, eds. New Delhi: Viva Books, pp. 89-96.

13. Leuprecht, C. 2008. Föderalismuskultur-Banausen: Zur föderalen Reife der deutschen Gesellschaft. In Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung, ed. Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2008. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 270-285. [On the federal maturity of German society]

12. Leuprecht, C and Hataley, T1. 2008. Just how liberal-democratic is Canadian foreign policy: A pluralist test. In The World in Canada and the 3Ds: Diaspora, Demography and Domestic Politics. David Carment and David Bercuson, eds. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 123-148.

11. Leuprecht, C. 2008. “Reforming Fiscal Federalism and Equalization: Lessons from the Canadian Experience”. In Die zweite Stufe der Föderalismusreform: Die Neuordnung der Finanzbeziehungen im deutschen Bundesstaat, R Baus & R Hrbek, eds. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 259-274.

10. Leuprecht, C. 2008. Cites in Multilevel Governance Systems: Implications for Second Chambers. In Legislatures in Federal Systems and Multi-Level Governance. Ed., Hrbek, R. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.


9. Leuprecht, C and Lazar, H1. 2007. Introduction. Spheres of Governance: Comparative Studies of Cities in Multilevel Governance Systems, H Lazar & C Leuprecht, eds. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 1-21.

8. Leuprecht, C. 2007. “Fiskale Gerechtigkeit in der kanadischen Föderation: Gedankenanstösse zur zweiten Phase der Föderalismusreform in Deutschland”. In Föderalismusreform II: Wichenstellungen für eine Neuordnung der Finanzbeziehungen im Deutschen Bundesstaat. R T Baus, T Fischer & R Hrbek, eds. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp.201-220. [Fiscal justice in the Canadian federation: Reflections on the Germany’s second federalism reform; published in On the road to a second step of the federal reform - preconditions and perspectives of a reorganization of the financial relations within the German federal state].


7. Young, R1 and Leuprecht, C. 2006. Introduction: new work, background themes, and future research about municipal-federal-provincial relations in Canada. In Canada: The State of the Federation. Municipal-Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada, R Young & C Leuprecht, eds. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 3-22.

6. Leuprecht, C. 2006. Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf föderale Regierungssysteme: Kanada und Deutschland im Vergleich. In Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung (ed.) Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2006. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 83-101. [Implications of demographic change for federal systems of governance: Canada and Germany in Comparison; published in the Yearbook of Federalism 2006].

5. Leuprecht, C. 2006. Die unvollendete Revolution: Post-nationale Streitkräfte. In Armee in der Demokratie. Zum Spannungsverhältnis von zivilen und militärischen Prinzipien. U vom Hagen, ed. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. [The unfinished Revolution: Post-national armed forces; published in Army in the Democracy: On the tension between civil and military principles].


4. Leuprecht, C. 2005. Demographic Change, Pluralism, and Ethno-cultural Diversity: Implications for Civil-Military Co-operation. A E R Woodcock, ed. The Cornwallis Group X: Analysis for New and Emerging Societal Conflicts. Ottawa: Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, pp. 288-304.

3. Leuprecht, C and O’Conner, N. 2005. Demographic Change and Federal Systems. In Spatial Aspects of Federative Systems. G Färber & N Otter, ed. Speyer: Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung, Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften.

2. Leuprecht, C. 2005. Demographics and Diversity Issues in Canadian Military Participation. In Challenge and Change in the Military: Gender and Diversity Issues. F C Pinch et al., eds. Kingston: Canadian Forces Leadership Institute, pp. 122-145.

1. Leuprecht, C. 2005. Ethnic demographics: Canada's Force Multiplier. In Choice of Force: Special Operations for Canada. D Last & B Horn, ed. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 49-68.

Other scholarly publications


Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1. and Kölling, M. Introduction. Public Security in Federal Polities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Leuprecht, C and Kölling, M. Conclusion. Public Security in Federal Polities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Leuprecht, C. and Okros, A1. Military College Education: What Value Proposition for Canada, Allies and Global Stability? Veritas magazine. Co-published in French as La Formation des collèges militaires : quelle proposition de valeur pour le Canada, les allies et la stabilité mondiale ?

Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 Hughes, T and Fisher, K2. Introduction. North American Strategic Defence in the 21st Century: Security and Sovereignty in an Uncertain World. New York: VS Springer.

Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, JJ1 and Hughes, T. Conclusion. North American Strategic Defence in the 21st Century: Security and Sovereignty in an Uncertain World. New York: VS Springer.

Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T1. and Kölling, M. Introduction. Public Security in Federal Polities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Leuprecht, C. “Once Irregular Migrants are at the border, it’s too late,” Inside Policy, March, pp. 12-14.


Leuprecht, C. and Spear, S.. Defending Freedom by Effectively Countering Terrorism. MLI Commentary.

Leuprecht, C. and Haseeb, M.. Was Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan a success? Legion: Canada’s Military History Magazine. September/October: 49.


von Hlatky, S1. and Leuprecht, C. Women as Professional Soldiers: Canadian Values on the Front Line. On Track. 20(2) Fall: 7-10.

Leuprecht, C. Review of “Security and energy capture” for H-Diplo.

Leuprecht, C. Facing the Challenges of Violent Extremism. MLI Commentary.


Leuprecht, C. Policing Costs for Strategic Effect. Public Sector Digest.


Leuprecht, C. 2013. Affluence and Influence as Grand Strategy.The Predicament of Canadianizing European Defence. Atlantisch Perspectief October 37(6): 14-18.

Leuprecht, C. and Goldstone, Jack A2. Political Demography. E-International Relations.

Caidi, N., Unsworth, K2., Leuprecht, C. and Doty, P2. In the name of terror? Information and policy in the decade post 9/11. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 50(1).


Leuprecht, C. 2012. Introduction. In Evolving Transnational Threats and Border Security. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T, and Nossal, KR. Kingston: Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, pp. 1-10. In French translation: Introduction. In Evolution des menaces transnationales et sécurité frontalière. Eds. Leuprecht, C., T. Hataley and K.R. Nossal. Kingston: Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, pp. 1-12.

Leuprecht, C, and Hataley, T1. Trends and Discontinuities: Charting a Canadian research agenda. In Evolving Transnational Threats and Border Security. Eds. Leuprecht, C, Hataley, T, and Nossal, KR. Kingston: Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy, pp. 109-120.

French translation: Leuprecht, C, and Hataley T1. Tendances et discontinuités : propositions liées à un programme de recherche canadien. In Evolution des menaces transnationales et sécurité frontalière. Eds. Leuprecht, C., T. Hataley and K.R. Nossal. Kingston: Queen’s Centre for International and Defence Policy. pp. 125-138.


Leuprecht, C. Conclusion. In Security Operations in the 21st Century: Perspectives on the Comprehensive Approach. Eds. M. Rostek and P. Gizewski. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 237-247.

Leuprecht, C. Introduction. In Essential Readings in Canadian Constitutional Politics. Eds. C Leuprecht and P.H. Russell. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. xv-xxiv.


Leuprecht, C and Troy, J. Taking Allies Seriously: Modest Responses by Modest Countries? In Mission Critical: The Role of Smaller Democracies in Global Stability Operations. Eds. Leuprecht, C, T. Jodok and D. Last. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 1-10.

Leuprecht, C. Introduction. In Defending Democracy and Securing Diversity, C. Leuprecht, ed. Abingdon: Routledge.


Leuprecht, C. 2009. Guest Editor’s Introductory NoteCommonwealth & Comparative Politics 47(4) November: 343-345.

Leuprecht, C. Migration as the Demographic Wild Card in Civil Conflict: Mauritius and Fiji. Environmental Change and Security Program Report 13: 34-39.


Leuprecht, C. Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, Canadian Politics: Concise Edition (by Rand Dyck), 4th ed. Scarborough: Thomson Nelson, 2008.


Leuprecht, C. Reforming Security Management: Prospects for the RCMP. Policy Options September 2007: 67-72.

Leuprecht, C. Serendipity. In Peacemaker 101: Careers Confronting Conflict. Roy Eidelson, Jena Laske, and Lina Cherfas, eds. Philadelphia, PA: Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict, pp. 295-300.

Leuprecht, C. Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches (by Rand Dyck), 7th ed. Scarborough: Thomson Nelson.

Studies and Reports


14. Leuprecht, C, Sokolsky, J1 and Derow, J.. On The Baltic Watch: The Past, Present, and Future of Canada’s Commitment to NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence in Latvia. Ottawa: Macdonald Laurier Institute.

13. Leuprecht, C and Mcnorton, H. C-22: Bringing Security and Intelligence into Focus: How to Clarify the Roles of Newly Created Accountability Bodies. Ottawa: Macdonald Laurier Institute.

12. Leuprecht, C and Roseberry, P. Political Demography of the Conflict in Mali. Montréal : Projet Mali, Centre Francopaix, Chaire Raoul Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques, Université du Québec à Montréal.

11. Leuprecht, C, Cockfield, A1, Simpson, P and Haseeb, M. Tracking Transnational Terrorist Resourcing Nodes and Networks. Working Paper. Waterloo: Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS).
2017 10. Leuprecht, C. Force 2.0: Fixing the Governance, Leadership, and Structure of the RCMP. Ottawa: Macdonald Laurier Institute. September. (Featured in The Globe and Mail)

9. Leuprecht, C and Breede C1. Beyond the Movies: The Value Proposition of Canada’s Special Operations Forces. Ottawa: Conference of Defence Associations Institute and Macdonald Laurier Institute.

8. Leuprecht, C. Smoking Gun: Strategic containment of contraband tobacco and cigarette trafficking in Canada. Ottawa: Macdonald Laurier Institute.

7. O’Halloran, P1, Dizboni, A1, Leuprecht, C, Adelstein, D, Green, A, and Porges, M. The Terrorism Resourcing Model Applied to Canada. Working Paper. Waterloo: Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS).


6. Leuprecht, C. Report to the Yemeni Constitution Drafting Committee providing technical and expert advice on operationalizing Security and Defence in a federal context. Sana’a: United Nations Office of the Special Advisor on Yemen.

5. Leuprecht, C. The Blue Line or the Bottom Line of Police Services in Canada: Arresting runaway growth in costs. Ottawa: Macdonald-Laurier Institute.


4. Hataley, T1and Leuprecht, C. Organized Crime Beyond the Border. Ottawa: Macdonald-Laurier Institute, National Security Strategy for Canada Series, no. 5.

3. Norton, S3 and Leuprecht, C. Canadian Extremist Crime Database: Methodological Primer. Ottawa: Defence Research and Development Canada, Centre for Security Science, Technical Memorandum 2013-004.


2. Leuprecht, C. International security strategy: The socio-demographic and economic dawn of a new day. Vienna: Austrian Institute for European and Security Strategy.

1. Leuprecht, C and Winn, C. What Do Muslim Canadians Want? The Clash of Interpretations and Public Opinion. Ottawa: Macdonald-Laurier Institute, True North Study Paper.

Book reviews

2016 4. Leuprecht, C. Governing Climate Induced Migration and Displacement. Journal of International Organizations Studies 7(1): 45-47.


3. Leuprecht, C. European Military Transformation from the Rhine to Afghanistan, by Anthony King. Armed Forces and Society 41(1): 193-195.


2. Leuprecht, C. Comparative Review of Michael Burgess’ Comparative Federalism: Theory and Practice and Thomas O. Hueglin and Alan Fenna, Comparative Federalism: A Systematic Inquiry in Federations Magazine 6(1) March/April: 7-8.


1. Leuprecht, C. Review of a Special issue of the Journal of Peace Research on the Demography of Conflict and Violence. In: Environmental Change and Security Program Report 11. This particular issue of the ECSP Report was named “Best Population Journal” by the Global Media Awards.

Testimony before committees of Parliament


18. Bill C-47, An Act to amend the Export and Import Permits Act and the Criminal Code. Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade. 21 November 2018.

17. Bill C-75, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. Testimony specific to the proposed hybridization of offences. 25 September.

16. Statutory Review of the Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Act. House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. 18 April.

15. Senate Study of Bill C-45 – the Cannabis Act. Senate Committee on Security and National Defence. 16 April. Hearing on border implications. (Invitation declined due to scheduling conflict but written submission provided.)


14. Bill C-59, An Act Respecting Security Matters. House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. 7 December.

13. Canada and the Ukraine Crisis. House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence. 18 October.

12. Bill C-45, An Act respecting cannabis and to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Criminal Code and other Acts. House of Commons Standing Committee on Health. 12 September.

11. Bill C-22, An Act to establish the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians. Senate of Canada Standing Committee on National Security and Defence. 12 June.

10. Canada’s National Security Framework. House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. 13 February.

9. Study on Security Threats Facing Canada. Senate of Canada Standing Committee on National Security and Defence. 13 February.


8. Bill C-59, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget. House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. 28 May.

7. Study on Security Threats Facing Canada. Senate of Canada Standing Committee on National Security and Defence. 4 May.

6. Bill C-51, An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts. Senate of Canada Standing Committee on National Security and Defence. 2 April.

5. Terrorist Financing in Canada and Abroad. House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. 31 March.

4. Bill C-44: An Act to Amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and other Acts. Senate of Canada Standing Committee on National Security and Defence. 23 March.

3. Bill C-51, An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts. House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. 23 March.


2. Bill C-44: An Act to Amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and other Acts. House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. 26 November.

2013 1. Economics of Policing/Policing Modernization. House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. 4 June.

Newspaper Op-Eds


28. China’s Silent Invasion of Western Universities. Toronto Star. 12 November 2018.

27. Should Police have to abstain from cannabis consumption for 28 days? Yes. Toronto Star. 23 October 2018.

26. Will a gun ban work in Toronto? No. Toronto Star. 11 September 2018.

25. Beggar They Neighbour. Globe and Mail. 5 June 2018.

2017 24. More border resources for migrants is not a solution. Globe and Mail. 30 March 2017

23. After Berlin attack, the cracks in Germany’s security are showing. Globe and Mail. 21 December 2016.

22. Rousing Jacksonian America: What Trumpism Means for Canada. Sun newspapers syndication. 19 November 2016.

21. NATO’s Russian strategy must look beyond a Baltic mission. Globe and Mail. 30 June 2016.

20. What does Ottawa know about the F-35s that the Danes don’t? Toronto Star. 8 June 2016.

19. Canada Revenue Agency needs a new playbook. Globe and Mail. 5 May 2016.

18. Is proportional representation a good model for Canada? Globe and Mail. 19 March 2016.


17. To meet the refugee crisis. National Post. 14 December 2015.

16. Why intelligence fails. Globe and Mail. 25 November 2015.

15. Complacent Canada could face same troubles as France. Sun newspaper syndication. 21 November 2015.

14. A refugee crisis? The case for a principled response. Sun newspaper syndication. 10 September 2015.

13. Extremist travellers aren’t about to go away. Globe and Mail, 12 August 2015.

12. Let First Nations Tax Tobacco. Sun newspaper syndication, 21 March 2015.

11. Done right: C-51 can balance freedom and security. The Globe and Mail, 16 March 2015.

10. Read and Vote: Will protect or imperil Canadians. The Globe and Mail, 10 March 2015.

9. Arresting runaway costs in Toronto Police Services, The Toronto Star, 5 February 2015.


8. Canada’s contraband problem is about much more than lost revenue, The Toronto Star, 10 December 2014.

7. Police are pricing themselves out of business, The Sunday Star, 6 April 2014.

6. Jóvenes, radicales e inadaptados La Razón (Spanish daily), 2 February 2014, p. 33.


5. El ‘plan B’ de Hizbulá, La Razón (Spanish daily), 28 December 2013, p. 26.


4. Getting the Message Across, Kingston Whig-Standard, 16 August 2011, p. 5.

2007 3. City-dwellers pay so rural residents can keep their schools, Kingston Whig-Standard, 4 May 2007.
2006 2. The dilemma of dual citizenship, Kingston Whig-Standard, 22 July 2006, p. 7
2005 1. Universities Miss Mark on Funding, The Toronto Star, 7 September 2005, A15


Extra-mural Research Funding

TC=Tri-Council Granting Agencies; G=Government; NGO=Non-Governmental Organization; I=Intramural
PI=Principal Investigator; CI=Co-Investigator; C=Collaborator
SSHRC=Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
RMCC CDARP=Royal Military College Canadian Defence Applied Research Program
DRDC=Defence Research and Development Canada
DSTG=Defence Science and Technology Group (Australia)


Project Title

Funding Instrument

Type of Grant



Leuprecht Share

2019-2021   DSTG G PI $120,000 $120,000
2018 Defending Democracy: Confronting Cyber Threats at Home and Abroad   TC PI $12,470 $12,470
2018-2019 Defence Engagement Program collaborative network grant Department of National Defence G C $100,000 $1,500
2018 Linguistic models of negative attitude language DST G PI $27,434 $27,434


Metrics of Terrorist Financing: Behavioural Patterns and Organizational Networks

SSHRC Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS) Research Project






What is so special about Special Forces



Co-PI, PI Breede




The Diversity Effect: Does identity structure Canadian international policy interests?

SSHRC Insight Grant






Global Financial Networks and Anti-Terrorism Financing Laws

SSHRC Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS) Research Project grant






Stabiliser le Mali : les défis de la résolution des conflits

Global Affairs Canada; Centre FrancoPaix, Chaire Raoul Dandurand, Université du Québec à Montréal






Making Northern Borders Work

SSHRC Connections Grant






Defence Engagement Program, NORAD-US Northcom

Department of National Defence






Terrorism, Security, and Society

SSHRC Partnership Grant






The Structure of Variation between Organized Crime Offenders and Others

DRDC Canadian Security Safety Program


co-PIs: Leuprecht and Skillicorn




Terrorist Resourcing

Public Safety Canada


co-PIs: O’Halloran, Dizboni, Leuprecht




Smart Cybersecurity Network

Canadian Tri-Council Network of Centres of Excellence


PI: Benoit Dupont; Leuprecht co-PI: Functional theme – Designing a more resilient digital ecosystem




Borders in Globalization SSHRC Partnership Grant institutional funding match







Arctic Sovereignty and Security - The Military, Professional Development and a Whole of Government Approach

Connection Grant


PI: Heather Nicol; Leuprecht co-PI




Borders in Globalization (BIG)

SSHRC Partnership Grant


PI: Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly; Leuprecht co-PI: security




Mitigating threats from violent extremist offenders in correctional institutions and communities

DRDC Canadian Security Safety Program


PI: Correctional Services Canada; Leuprecht co-PI: data mining and analysis




Cross-border community collaboration

RMCC Applied Research Program













The Kanishka Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS)

SSHRC Partnership Development Grant


PI: Dan Hiebert, UBC; Leuprecht collaborator




Collective Efficacy among cross-border communities

SSHRC Insight Development Grant


PI: Todd Hataley, RMCC; Leuprecht Collaborator




Harnessing 21st Century Skills

DRDC Technology Investment Fund


PI: Okros; Leuprecht co-PI




Total of 7 Queen’s University Undergraduate Summer Student Research Fellowships awarded

Students: Courtney Briggs (2012); Andrew Aulthouse (2013); Scott Mason (2013); Ken Hall (2014) Alex Green (2015); Lauren Craik (2016); Benjamin Pulver (2017)

Queen’s University



$6,000 each



Public Safety in Federal Systems

Gimenez Abad Foundation & Forum of Federations






National Security Data Initiative: Enhancing the Canadian evidence base for policy and operations

DRDC Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, Radiological, Explosives Counter Terrorism Research Initiative (CBRNE-CRTI)


PI: Public Safety Canada

Leuprecht Expert Scientific Advisor




Workshop grant: Transnational Threats and Border Integrity

SSHRC in collaboration with Public Safety Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

TC & G












1. Processes and determinants of shifts from sympathy, to support to engagement in extremism and violence
2. Canadian Terrorism Database

DRDC Centre for Security Science






Public Security in Federal Polities

Forum of Federations workshop grant






Ottawa Survey

US Department of Homeland Security via Centre for the Study of Terrorism And Responses to Terrorism (START), University of Maryland


PI: McCauley; Co-PI: Leuprecht




Ethnicity and Democratic Governance

SSHRC Multilateral Collaborative Research Initiative


PI: Kymlicka & McGarry,
Collaborator: Leuprecht





RMCC Faculty Research Fund






Public Policy in Municipalities

SSHRC Multilateral Collaborative Research Initiative


PI: Young;
Collaborator: Leuprecht




Federalism and Federations research stipend postdoctoral supplement







postdoctoral fellowship







doctoral fellowship







W.C. Wood doctoral fellowship

Queen’s University





Sum totals







Graduate Student Supervision and Co-Supervision

Post Doctoral:

  • Mario Kölling (Centre de Estudios Politicos y Constitutionales, Spain, 2013-2015) – public security in federal systems
  • Jodok Troy (University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2009-2010) – multinational security operations
  • Nadia Verrelli (Queen’s University, 2008-2010) – intergovernmental relations


  • Jordan Miller (RMC, 2018) - Irregular Warfare/Terrorism
  • Pumphrey, John V. (Royal Roads University) – Transnational terrorism and national security


  • Karen Everett (Trent University, 2018) - : Security Canada and the United States – Moving Beyond the Border
  • Rafael França (Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul, 2018) – Border Security
  • Wenke Apt (Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research, 2012) - Germany’s new security demographics


  • Joshua Lee (Queen's, 2019) - Border Security
  • Hayley Mcnorton (Queen’s, 2016) – Signals Intelligence
  • Matthew Porges (RMCC, 2015) – The puzzling case of Western Sahara’s non-insurgency
  • Victoria Tait (Queen’s, 2012) – Perception of women in asymmetric warfare in the Canadian Armed Forces


  • Nick Wilson (RMCC, 2016) – Arctic border treaties
  • Michelle Guay (RMCC, 2016) – metadata
  • Shari MacKay (Queen’s, 2015) – Gender and diversity leadership issues in the Toronto Police Service
  • Marc Gallant (RMCC) – Explaining policy differentials with respect to Highway Traffic Act enforcement for holders of diplomatic license plates


  • Scott Nantes (2013)
  • Marisa Warner (2015-2016)
  • Matthew Crepeau-White (2015-2016)
  • James Bremner (2016-2017)

BA Queen’s:

  • Scott Mason (2013-2014)
  • Alex Green (2016-17)
  • Lily Hacker (2017-2018)

External PhD thesis examiner:

  • Dilan Okcuoglu, Department of Political Science, Queen’s University, July 2018.
  • Said Yaqub, Department of Political Science, Carleton University, 20 March 2018.
  • Miah Hammond-Errey, Criminology, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, 22 February 2018.
  • Christopher Walters, School of Law, Queen’s University, 19 January 2018.
  • Sarah Girard, Université de Grenoble-Alpes, 14 June 2017.
  • Pierre-Alain Clément, Université du Québec à Montréal, 10 April 2017.
  • Stefanie Kullick, Queen’s University, 24 August 2012.
  • Corina Fonyodi-Szarka, Queen’s University, July 2011

Scholarly and Professional Activities

Leadership Positions

  • International Sociological Association, President, Research Committee 01: Armed Force & Conflict Resolution (2014-2018)
  • International Political Science Association, Secretary and Treasurer, Research Committee on Socio-Political Pluralism (RC16) (2000- )


  • Association of Borderland Studies (ABS)
  • Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS)
  • International Sociological Association, Research Committee 01: Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution (RC01)
  • European Research Group on Armed Forces and Society
  • International Studies Association, Political Demography & Geography Section; Canada Section
  • International Political Science Association, Research Committee 16: Socio-Political Pluralism, Secretary and Treasurer

Editorial Positions

  • Member, Advisory Board, Springer book series in Advances in Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications (2015- )
  • Member, Editorial Board, Armed Forces & Society (2013-2016)
  • Member, Editorial Board, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics (2013-2016)
  • Associate Editor, McGill-Queen's University Press, Queen's Policy Studies series (2008-2010)

Professional Service

German Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies (GIDS)

  • Member, Advisory Council

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • Science for Peace and Security Program, Partnerships and Cooperation Security Committee, Independent Scientific Evaluation Group (ISEG)

Natural Sciences and Research Council of Canada

  • Member, Council of the NSERC (2015- )

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: operating role

  • Adjudication Committee Member (2015- )

Executive Member, Canadian Society for Evidence-Based Policing

Member, Scientific Committee, Border Regions in Transition XV (2015-2016)

Security Structure Expert, United Nation’s Office of the Special Advisor on Yemen (2014-2015)

Canadian Political Science Association

  • Chair, Lemieux Prize jury (2013)
  • Book Awards Terms-of-Reference review committee (2012)

Administrative Committees

Royal Military College of Canada

  • International Exchange Coordinator (2014- )
  • Co-chair, Search Committee, Vice Principal Academic (2014)
  • Master’s of Public Administration/Master’s of Arts in Security and Defence Management and Policy committee (2010- )
  • Internship coordinator (2010- )
  • Graduate Studies Committee (2005-2007)

Queen’s University

  • Assessor, undergraduate admissions scholarships (2012-)
  • Learning Technology Faculty Associate (2004-2005)

Canadian Institute for Military and Veterans Health Research

  • Scientific Review Committee (2011- )

External evaluator, Internal Quality Assurance Process. University of Ottawa (2015)

Subject Matter Expert on assessment of degree program submissions, Ontario Ministry of Training, Universities and Colleges (2011)

Select Conference Presentations


Military Professional Education Working Group. European Research Group on Armed Forces and Society. Lisbon, Portugal. 12-15 June.

International Security in among Post-Millennials. International Studies Association, Toronto, 27-30 March.


Inductive Modelling from Police RMC Incident Data: Towards a model and theory of co-presence networks. Illicit Networks Workshop. Flinders University, 11-12 December 2017

Strategic Implications of Demographic Change for the Canadian Armed Forces. Canadian defence: theory & policy. University of Ottawa, 8 December 2017.

The Canada-US Border Effect: Islamist Extremists in Comparative Perspective. Countering Terrorism at the Borders: Identifying Common Challenges & Solutions. University of Texas at El Paso, 8-9 June 2017.


Emerging Challenges to Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. Notre Dame Law School. South Bend, IN, 29 April 2016.

Are Islamists special?  Nuances in transborder terror networks between Canada and the United States. Confronting Terror in Canada and the United States: Domestic and International Dimensions. Fulbright Foundation. University of Hawaii at Manoa. 24-26 Feb 2016.

Wars Without Beginning or End: Violent Extremist Organizations
and Irregular Warfare in the Sahel-Sahara. EUBorderScapes, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 28-29 January 2016.

Service: (Co-)organized Conferences, Workshops, Summer Schools, and Professional Development Courses


Two Panels on Trends in Border Security. Western Social Science Association. Association for Borderland Studies. San Diego. 24-27 April 2019.


International Sociological Association World Congress, Research Committee 01: Armed Forces and Society. Toronto. 22 panels, July 2018.


Policing Flows Workshop. Flinders University, Adelaide, 13 December 2017.

Illicit Networks Workshop. Flinders University, Adelaide, 11-12 December 2017.

Borders in Globalization international conference, Carleton University, 7-8 December 2017.

NORAD symposium. Colorado Springs, 4-5 December 2017.

Making Northern Borders Work. Yukon College, Whitehorse, 20-22 June 2017.

New Era of Public Safety and Security, Ottawa, 1 June 2017.


Smart Cybersecurity Network conference on intergovernmental and multilevel governance dimensions of cybersecurity in Canada. Ottawa, 26-27 October 2016

International Sociological Association, Research Committee 01: Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution, interim meeting, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-28 Sep 2016.

Borders in Globalization, Summer Institute on Border Integrity. Ottawa, 6-7 June 2016.

Border Regions in Transition (BRIT) XV, 17-20 May 2016, Hamburg, Germany and Sonderborg, Denmark.

Criminal Intelligence, Information-Sharing und Joint Task Forces: The Canadian Perspective. Delmenhorst, Germany, 9 May 2016.

NORAD Workshop. Colorado Springs, USA, 28-31 March 2016.


Security Sector Reform. Ukrainian National Defence University, Kiev, 9-13 March 2015.


Arctic Security: Whole of Government Professional Development workshop, Canadian Defence Academy and Trent University, 5-7 May 2014.


Public Security in Federal Systems. Gimenez Abad Foundation, Zaragoza, Spain, 6-7 November 2012.

Summer School on North American Integration and Border Relations: Security Stakes at the Canada-U.S. Border, Université de Sherbrooke, École de politique appliquée, 20-24 August 2012.

Public Security in Federal Systems. Authors workshop. Forum of Federations, Ottawa, 22 March 2012.


Evolving Transnational Security Threats and Border Security Issues. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Public Safety Canada, Canadian Border Services Agency, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Ottawa, 27 June 2011.

Non-proliferation workshop. Community of Interest. Global Futures Forum. Swedish National Defence College, 15-16 June 2011.


Red teaming – decision-making support workshop. Swedish National Defence College, 11 November 2010.


Security in Federal Systems: Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Yale University (in collaboration with the Forum of Federations). 9 November 2009.

New Missions -- New Challenges II: The EU and Canada's new international-peacekeeping and crisis-management operations. Queen's University and Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston. 30 October 2009.

Security: The Canada-US border. Yale University (in collaboration with the Canadian Consulate General, New York City). 8 October 2009.

New Missions -- New Challenges: The EU and Canada's new international-peacekeeping and crisis-management operations. Swedish National Defence College (in cooperation with the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy), Stockholm. 22 June 2009.

Sustainable Governance of Uncertainty: Comparing State Responses to Demographic Change, Climate Change, the International Health Accord on Pandemics, and the Financial Crisis. Woodrow Wilson Center and Bertelsmann Foundation, Washington, DC. 21 May 2009.

11th National Metropolis Conference. Workshops organized on "Research Methods on Pathways to Radicalization and Violent Extremism" and "Evidence on Radicalization: What we actually know". Calgary, 19-22 Mar 2009.


Defending Democracy: Accommodating Diversity in the Security Sector, Queen's Centre for International Relations and Centre for Security, Armed Forces, and Society, Royal Military College of Canada, 1-3 Nov 2007.

The Federal Idea: A Conference in honour of Ronald L. Watts, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen's University, 18-20 Oct 2007.

Dialogue on Diversity in Canada's Armed Forces, Queen's University Chair of Defence Management Studies, 19-20 Apr 2007.


Fiscal Relations and the Future of Canada, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, 28-29 Sep 2006.


Cities in Multilevel Government Systems: Lessons from Abroad, Toronto, 14-15 October 2005..


Canadian Federalism and National Security: Intergovernmental and Comparative Perspectives, Kingston, 19-20 November 2004.

Select Plenary and Invited Talks


Active Cyber Operations: The Politics of Detection, Disruption, Deterrence and Diplomacy. Hybrid threats and the Asia-Pacific region: Hybrid warefare and cyber-attacks within the Australian – Pacific context. Bournemouth and LaTrobe universities. Melbourne. 25-26 March.

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism, Security and Society. Ottawa. 7 March.

Canadian Defence Association Institute. Ottawa. 12 February.

20th Annual Security and Privacy Conference. Victoria. 7-8 February


Russia, Cyberattacks and Cryptography: Protecting democratic processes. University of Waterloo, Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute, 7 December.

Active Cyber Operations: The Politics of Detection, Disruption, Deterrence, and Diplomacy Cyber-Résilience des Systèmes et des Organisations. Ecole Militaire. Paris. 28 November.

Cash, Cryptocurrencies, & Crime: Panel Discussion. Blockchain, Fintech & Cryptocurrencies: Business & Legal Perspectives. University of Sydney Business School. 9 November.

Tracking Transnational Terrorist Resourcing and Nodes. University of Sydney Business School Seminar Series, 8 November.

Leveraging Police Incident Data for Intelligence-Led Policing. International Policing and Security Conference. Sydney: Charles Sturt University. 7 November.

North American Strategic Defence. Australian National University, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre. 29 October.

Public Security in the 21st century. International Association of Centres of Federalism Studies. Australian National University, Australian Centre for Federalism. 25-27 October.

Civil-Cyber Relations: The Politics of Detection, Disruption, Deterrence, and Diplomacy. Simon Fraser University. 23 October.

Canada’s Commitment to NATO’s enhance Forward Presence in Latvia. NATO Club, Simon Fraser University. 22 October.

The Puzzle of Resilience in Relations between Canada and the United States: Interests, Institutions, Identity, and Ideas. Simon Fraser University. 22 October.

Civil-Cyber Relations: The Politics of Detection, Disruption, Deterrence, and Diplomacy. Treasury Board Secretariat. 17 October.

NORAD/NORTHCOM Futures. Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. Johns Hopkins University. Washington, DC. 12 October.

Continuing Commitment to Transatlantic Security: Deterrence and Defence along NATO’s Eastern Flank. Atlantic Commission. The Hague. 4 October.

Civil-Cyber Relations: The Politics of Detection, Disruption, Deterrence, and Diplomacy. University of Guelph. 27 September.

Border Security Policy Networks to Contain Transnational Organized Crime: Determinants of interagency cross-border cooperation. Organized Crime Research Forum. Australian Institute of Criminology. Canberra. 31 May – 1 June.