
[arboretum picture]

The Queen's Arboretum was established in 1999 to recognize the many rare and unique trees that exist on Queen's campus, including varieties of Black Walnut, Gingko and English Oak trees.

The Arboretum stretches across the front lawn areas of Theological Hall and Summerhill.

The slope in front of Summerhill was the site of Canada's first botanical garden. This garden was established in 1861 to foster the study of botany and it thrived for about a decade. The Botanical Society of Canada was founded in Kingston and its main project was the botanical garden.

The arboretum encloses a diverse collection of trees, including those native to Canada and others which have been introduced from other parts of the world. Some specimens native to Canada are not found in this region of Ontario and therefore their presence in this climate is unusual.

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