The Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) held their Fall General Meeting on Thursday, December 15, 2022. At that meeting, QUFA initiated a member vote seeking a strike mandate. Polls opened at 3 PM December 15 and closed today at 3 PM. QUFA members have now voted in support of the strike mandate. 

The Minister of Labour has appointed a conciliator to assist the parties’ negotiations. Conciliation is anticipated to begin on or about January 17th. During conciliation, either party may request that a No-Board report be issued.  The conciliator is required to relay the request to the Minister of Labour, and the parties are then in a legal strike/lock-out position on the 17th day after the Minister issues the No-Board Report. Consequently, QUFA could be in lawful strike position by early February 2023. This does not mean that a strike or lock-out will necessarily occur.

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