Lab Personnel

Kirsten Benidickson

Kirsten Benidickson

PhD student (co-supervised by Wayne Snedden)

Thesis topic: Role and control of glutamate decarboxylase and the GABA shunt in the metabolic adaptations of phosphate starved Arabidopsis thaliana


Congratulations Kirsten for winning Directors' award for best poster presentation by a CSPB student member at recent 2023 Eastern Regional Meeting of the Can. Soc. Plant Biol. (Concordia Univ.), along with being recently awarded a prestigious NSERC CGS-D scholarship!  

Katie Jenkins

Katie Jenkins

MSc student (co-supervised by Wayne Snedden)

Thesis topic: Does the GABA shunt function as a respiratory (TCA cycle) bypass in phosphate starved Arabidopsis? 

Brittany Menard

Brittany Menard

MSc student (co-supervised by Wayne Snedden)

Thesis topic:  Post-translational control of Arabidopsis glutamate decarboxylase-1 via proteolytic truncation of its calmodulin binding domain


Congratulations Brittany on being awarded a prestigious Ontario Graduate Scholarship for 2024-2026

Faranak Soleimani

Faranak Soleimani

PhD student (co-supervised by Jacqueline Monaghan)

Thesis topic: Control of the Arabidopsis E3 ligase ATL6 by CDPK mediated phosphorylation


Congratulations Faranak for winning the Presidents' Award for best poster presentation by a CSPB student member at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Can. Soc. Plant Biol. (Univ. Laval)!

Faiqa Amin

Faiqa Amin

MSc student (co-supervised by Jacqueline Monaghan)

Thesis topic: Role of calcium dependent protein kinase-4 (CPK4) in the regulation of the E3 ligase ATL6 during immune signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana