INDG courses

By taking INDG courses, students have an opportunity to immerse themselves in Indigenous history and culture; students expand their knowledge and understanding of Indigenous cultures, while developing professional skills such as innovative Indigenous approaches to learning and research to work with Indigenous communities.

All INDG courses count towards Indigenous Studies Plans and in many cases can be taken as electives.

Click here  for a list of the current Course Offerings.

Course Title Description
INDG 301/3.0 Indigenous Ways of Knowing

This course will identify and examine characteristics and sources of Indigenous knowledge and pedagogies.

NOTE This course is repeatable for credit under different topic titles

INDG 302/3.0 Indigenous Theories and Methodologies: Learning through Indigenous Worldviews

An introduction to Indigenous theories and research methodologies.
PREREQUISITE    Level 3 or above and DEVS 220/3.0 or permission of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

INDG 395/3.0 Indigenous Special Topics

Special Indigenous Topics.

NOTE This course is repeatable for credit under different topic titles.

INDG 401/6.0  In Community Capstone: Research and Relationships A fourth year Honours capstone project course exploring an issue in Indigenous Studies through both library-and community-based research. Working with an Indigenous community partner and the instructor, students will integrate knowledge and skills to carry out a research project.
PREREQUISITE   Level 4 and registration in the INDG Major or Medial Plan and INDG 302/3.0 or permission of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.