
McDonald Institute seminars bring together experimental and theoretical astroparticle physicists, and astronomers. They are held approximately fortnightly, September to November and January to March, and on an ad hoc basis outside of term.

Full abstracts and recordings are posted at

Upcoming Seminars




Past Seminars

January 9 
Marianne Moore (MIT)
On the cosmology and terrestrial signals of sexaquark dark matter


January 29 
Daniel Egana Ugrinovic (Perimeter Institute)

February 12
Nathan Musoke (University of New Hampshire)

February 29 (Joint with Astro)
Ben Lehmann (MIT)

March 4 
Fabrice Retiere (TRIUMF)

March 21
Daryl Haggard (McGill)

March 28 (Joint with Astro)
Will Thompson (MIT)

March 23 2023
Vicky Kaspi (McGill)

March 16 2023
Amy Connolly (Ohio State)
Ultra high energy neutrino detection in Antarctic ice: an evolving story 


March 9 2023
Kim Berghaus (Stony Brook)
The Cosmology of Dark Energy Radiation


March 2 2023
Sarah Shandera (Penn State)
Dark Black Holes

February 9 2023
Melissa Diamond (Queen's)
Finding Dark Matter in Fireballs

January 12 2023
Paschal Coyle (Centre de Physique de Particules de Marseille, France)
Fishing for neutrinos: Astroparticle and Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss

November 24 2022
Matheus Hostert (Perimeter Institute)
Semi-Visible Dark Photons

August 19 2022 
Jong-Chul Park (Chungnam National University)
GLIPS: Graphene-based Light Invisible Particle Search

August 18 2022
Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University)
Hidden role of a sub-component dark matter 

July 20 2022
Lorenzo Pagnanini (Gran Sasso)
Recent developments on cryogenic calorimeters for low-background searches

April 29 2022 
Patrick Stengel (SISSA)
Neutrino point source searches for dark matter spikes

November 30 (special time 2:30 pm, contact Mark Richardson for details)
Juna Kollmeier (CITA)
SDSS-V:  Pioneering Panoptic Spectroscopy

November 18 2021
Tien-Tien Yu (University of Oregon)
Solar Neutrinos: from background to signal

November 11 2021
Qinrui Liu (Queen's University)
The Origin of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos 

October 28 2021
Seyda Ipek (Carleton University)
WIMP Dark Matter In An Unusual Cosmological History

October 14 2021
Chris Cappiello (Queen's University)
Probing the landscape of heavy, strongly interacting, and composite dark matter

September 30 2021
Katelin Schutz (McGill University)
Plasmon phase space and millicharged particles

September 16 2021
Jooyoung Lee (Queen's University)
Dark Matter Search Experiment in Korea

March 30 2021
Xavier Mougeot (CEA Saclay)
Weak interaction transitions in ionizing radiation metrology: from fundamental physics to applications

March 16 2021
Evan McDonough (U. Chicago)
Constraining Early Dark Energy with Large Scale Structure

February 16 2021
Livia Ludhova (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
The new journey to the center of the Earth: goeneutrino measurement with Borexino

February 9 2021
Rebecca Leane (SLAC)
Dark Matter in Stars and Planets

January 26 2021
Hongwan Liu (NYU & Princeton)
Lyman-Alpha Constraints on Cosmic Heating from Dark Matter Annihilation and Decay

January 12 2021
Lina Necib (Carnegie Observatory/MIT)
Tracing Dark Matter with Stars


December 8  2020 (SPECIAL TIME: 12:00pm ET)
Lena Funcke (Perimeter Institute)
Rethinking the origin of neutrino masses: the role of gravity

December 1 2020
Patrick Fitzpatrick (MIT)
New Pathways to the Relic Abundance of Vector-Portal Dark Matter

November 10 2020
Miguel Escudero (TU Munich)
Neutrinos in Cosmology

October 13 2020
Mehdi Shafiee (Queen’s)
Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors

September 29 2020
Daniel Stolarski (Carleton)
Emerging Jets

September 15 2020
Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
Back to (Mass-)Square(d) One: The Neutrino Mass Ordering after NOvA and T2K recent results

March 3 2020
Pat Scott (University of Queensland)
Searches for dark matter and new physics with GAMBIT

February 11 2020
Nassim Bozorgnia (York University)
The dark matter distribution from simulations and Gaia data

February 4 2020
Shirley Li (SLAC)
New opportunities in MeV neutrino astrophysics

January 28 2020
Carlos Vivo-Vilches (Carleton)
Accelerator mass spectrometry Survey of Trace Radionuclides for Experiments on Astroparticle physics (ASTREA)

January 27 2020
Nirmal Raj (TRIUMF)
Gravitational Microlensing of Non-baryonic Compact Objects

January 21 2020
Kim Boddy (Johns Hopkins)
Searching for Dark Matter Interactions in Cosmology

January 7 2020
Elaine Fortes (Universidade Federal do Pampa)

October 8 2019
Gopolang Mohlanbeng (Brookhaven)
Inelastic dark matter revives the dark photon explanation of the muon g-2 anomaly

October 7 2019
Björn Lehnert (LBNL)
KATRIN/neutrino masses

September 17 2019
Masha Baryakhtar (NYU)
Searching for Ultralight Bosons with Black holes and Gravitational Waves

July 12 2019
David G. Cerdeño (IPPP, Durham University)
On the (low) threshold to new physics?

March 21 2019
Katie Mack (NCSU)
Vacuum decay, black holes, and extra dimensions

March 14 2019
Miriam Diamond (University of Toronto)
Dark Sectors in Electron Fixed-Target Experiments

February 28 2019
Sean Tulin (York University)
New directions in self-interacting dark matter, from astrophysics to the lattice

February 21 2019
Djuna Croon (TRIUMF)
Gravitational Waves: a new window on the Dark and Early Universe

February 7 2019
Charlie Rasco (Oak Ridge National Lab)

January 17 2019
Evan McDonough (Brown University)
New Gravitational Probes of Dark Matter)

November 15 2018
Antonia Hubbard (Northwestern University)

November 8 2018
Roxanne Guenette (Harvard)
Searching for nu physics with liquid argon detectors

October 18 2018
Jessie Shelton (Illinois)
Dark Matter In and Out of Equilibrium

October 4 2018
Chen Sun (Brown University)
Particle Phenomenology in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

September 27 2018
Andrew Cheek (IPPP Durham University)
Making the most of direct detection