Who We Are

The Canadian Opinion Research Archive (CORA) at Queen's University makes available commercial and independent surveys to the academic, research, and journalistic communities. Founded in 1992, CORA contains hundreds of surveys including thousands of discrete items collected by major commercial Canadian firms dating back to the 1970s.

CORA is always seeking new data from commercial research firms, independent think tanks, research institutes, NGOs, and academic researchers. One of the great benefits of having your data archived at CORA is that we work with the Data Services branch of the Queen’s University Library to ensure the latest archival and preservation strategies are employed, and that your data are fully accessible to non-commercial users via the Odesi system.

The Odesi system is the data branch of Scholars Portal, a consortium of 21 Ontario academic libraries operating under the umbrella of OCUL, the Ontario Council of University Libraries. Scholars Portal supports a number of data platforms, including Odesi. The bottom line is that members of all OCUL institutions (which covers most universities in the province) have full and open access. This is a new development, prior to which data were heavily gated.

The CORA website also includes highlights of results from select surveys, tracking Canadian opinion over time on frequently asked survey questions, as well as tabular results from recent Canadian surveys, and more general information on polling. This material is made available as a public service by CORA and its partners, and we attempt to keep it dynamic and fresh.

The CORA is administratively accountable to the School of Policy Studies.

You can contact us at cora@queensu.ca or follow us on Twitter at @QueensCORA


Director Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant



Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant is a Professor of political science at Queen’s University, and the Director of the Canadian Opinion Research Archive. Her research focuses on elections, political behaviour, and the representation of women. She is the author of Gendered News: Media Coverage and Electoral Politics in Canada (UBC Press, 2013), which won the 2016 Pierre Savard Award from the International Council of Canadian Studies, and was shortlisted for the 2014 Donald Smiley Prize.

Goodyear-Grant’s ongoing research projects include the measurement of sex and gender in survey research (with Amanda Bittner, MUN), representation and political exits (with Rebecca Wallace, St. FX and Elizabeth McCallion, Toronto) and the behavioural foundations of fiscal federalism (with Kyle Hanniman, Queen’s).

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