23rd Annual Indigenous Knowledge Symposium
1:00 PM – 7:00 PM
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Come join us for our free and accessible event: the 23rd annual Indigenous Knowledge Symposium. The event will take place virtually via Zoom conference from November 5th to 6th 2021.
Keynote Speakers: Winona LaDuke & Autumn Peltier
Roundtable Discussants: Dr. Kim TallBear, Dr. Karen Lawford, and Tasha Beeds, Ph.D. (c)
The theme of Indigenous Climate Justice brings many important topics together at a conjunctural time. We invite you to this year's symposium to share, learn, teach and mobilize Indigenous traditions, research, knowledge and art towards climate justice. The symposium will be conducted with respect to Indigenous protocols.
The first part of our events will take place on Friday, November 5th, 2021, starting at 1 PM EST with our Keynote: Winona LaDuke, followed by a roundtable panel at 4 PM EST. with Dr. Kim TallBear, Dr. Karen Lawford, and Tasha Beeds, Ph.D. (c). The second part of our events will continue on Saturday, November 6th, 2021, starting at 9 AM EST.
Artists, Students, Scholars, Community Members are all encouraged to apply! Here is a link to the Call for Proposals (deadline extended):
For those interested in attending please use the registration link below. For more information email us at indigenous.initiatives@queensu.ca
- If this event listing appears to have errors or inaccuracies, please notify the event's Contact (see above).