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Building and integrating open educational resources to support your teaching and learning

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Stauffer Library
Room: Seminar Room 121
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We hope you will join us for an upcoming workshop on open educational resources to support your teaching and learning:

Title: Building and integrating open educational resources to support your teaching and learning.

Who should attend: Faculty and students

Description:  The ability to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute learning materials in a highly flexible and customizable way, has a number of tangible benefits for both students and instructors, including greater flexibility to tailor resources to specific learning outcomes as well as reduced costs for students.

This practical workshop will:

  • Explore how to find and integrate openly licensed educational resources into your teaching and assignments
  • Provide an overview of available platforms to publish and share your OERs.

To attend and for more information, please email: and include your name, department/unit and one key take-away you would like to get out of the workshop.

Rosarie Coughlan
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