The CAC Online Summer School Series: Data Preparation
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
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The Centre for Advanced Computing (CAC) presents the CAC Online Summer School Series. A series of free workshops specially designed to provide training on the most popular advanced research computing topics. The series has been structured to intelligently flow (one workshop per week) with the intention for you to build your knowledge week after week. Although some workshops include pre-requisites, the series is designed for you to customize your knowledge journey this summer.
Please see the outline for Week 3 below;
Week 3: Data Preparation
When: June 17, 2020 from 9:00am-4:00pm (full day, including 1 hour for lunch break)
** Pre-requisites: Introduction to Python (Week 2)
Description: This is an introductory workshop to Data Analytics. It starts by introducing the Data Analytics pipeline and its processes. Then, it discusses the different statistical and visualization approaches for conducting Exploratory and Descriptive Analytics on data to answer the question of “What happened in the past?”. The workshop then dives into the art of Data Preparation covering data cleaning, missing values handling, outlier detection and handling, feature transformation and feature engineering.
Workshops will be hosted using a secure Zoom platform. Meeting invites and preparation details will be emailed prior to your workshop. If you have any questions please visit the Eventbrite site or contact us directly ( We look forward to hosting you this summer!
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