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Children's Corner: Triola at the Isabel

Saturday, February 2, 2019
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts
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Children's Corner series:

Come and dance with Triola, a Kingston string trio known for its beautiful arrangements of popular and classical music. Triola will play live music while children and parents are free to dance and explore the music through movements in the stunning Isabel Bader Centre Rehearsal Hall overlooking Lake Ontario.

Have fun swirling and twirling to a jig, a polka, a tango, a waltz, and much more! Be free to move as the music moves you! All ages welcome!

Recommended for ages 5-10
Performances and dancing: 45 minutes

Children/Students: $8
General public: $16
Queen's Faculty/Staff: $12

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