The Conversation Canada and Queen’s University Virtual Workshop
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
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In a world of misinformation, be part of the task force delivering evidence-based news to the public: join us writing for The Conversation!
The Conversation is an effective international news platform that has helped thousands of researchers worldwide mobilize their research to millions of readers seeking evidence-based, informed news on issues of importance.
As a founding member of The Conversation Canada, Queen’s has embraced the platform as a unique tool for sharing research expertise and engaging with the media. More than 240 Queen’s researchers have published over 380 articles that have received an impressive 7 million views.
As part of our ongoing efforts to increase the awareness of and Queen’s engagement with the platform, The Conversation’s team, in collaboration with Queen’s University Relations, will offer workshops for faculty, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows interested in writing for The Conversation Canada.
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