Culturally Responsive Practices Workshop Series: Exploring Best Practices to Support International Students
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Coming from different cultural, educational, and linguistic backgrounds, international students are encountered with severe challenges learning at Queen’s . In this workshop, participants will work together to explore the anticipated challenges faced by international students and identify best practice that help enhance the students’ academic experience and success.
Series Description:
Queen’s University is becoming more culturally diverse with the continuous internationalization of the student population on campus. As culture and education are intrinsically intertwined, responding to a culturally diverse student population requires educators to become cognizant of the different approaches to knowledge students bring to class together with their unique learning challenges. This workshop series is designed to help educators explore teaching strategies that effectively respond to students’ cultural references in both face-to-face and online settings. In the workshops, participants will reflect on own teaching experience and work together to identify strategies they would like to incorporate to enhance an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.
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