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Culture Days: A Library of Temporary Shelters

Saturday, September 29, 2018
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Room: André Biéler Studio
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As part of Culture Days, join artists Lea Mauas and Diego Rotman, “Sala-Manca,” and Lois Klassen in a hands-on workshop and discussion about the representation of human displacement issues through art and text. Participants will hear about art and publishing projects that take up the urgency of migration, and will be invited to make artist books in a studio session. The hands-on portion of the workshop will focus on the way book structures can reflect a need for shelter, whether temporary or permanent. The galleries will remain open during this workshop and participants are encouraged to visit The hold: movements in the contemporary collection, curated by Sunny Kerr, to further consider the role of art in communicating hindrance and movement.

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