Dr. Douglas W Stephan presents the Baird Lecture
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Title: New Directions in FLP Chemistry
Abstract: We have previously exploited Frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) chemistry for the activation of H2, hydrogenation catalysis and the capture of small molecules. More recently we have uncovered evidence of both heterolytic and homolytic reactions for select FLPs affording either ionic or radical reaction pathways. The access to radical pathways has been extended to develop novel air stable main group derived radicals as well as one-electron FLP chemistry. Other efforts in expanding this concept, have focused new intramolecular FLPs in which donors and acceptors are linked by N or O atoms, efforts to use FLPs to activate the strong bonds in N2-surrogates and the unique chemistry of two coordinate borinium cations. The further potential of these and related main group reagents in synthetic and catalytic synthetic chemistry is considered.
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