Geography and Planning Departmental Virtual Conversation: Data, Evidentialism and its Discontents
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM
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The Geography and Planning Seminar Series invites you to a virtual conversation entitled Data, Evidentialism and its Discontents. We have invited a panel of scholars to discuss the role of data in various sub-disciplines of Geography, exploring questions about experimentation, data acquisition, and the validity of different types of data. We will also consider how (if) these different types of data have contributed to the divergence of human and physical geography, and ways to bring together very different types of data (and approaches) to address issues of critical importance to society. As a result of this conversation, we will gain a much broader understanding about the role of data in various streams of geographic inquiry, and how data (and data analysis) has contributed to changes in interactions among subdisciplines of Geography.
Our panelists include Dr. Adeniyi Asiyanbi (University of Calgary), Dr. Neal Scott (Queen's University), and Dr. Mark Rosenberg (Queen's University).
We look forward to you joining us on Zoom for this interesting discussion:
Meeting ID: 916 9685 6116
Passcode: 850053
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