Geography and Planning Departmental Virtual Conversation: Fostering Accountability in Geographical Research
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
The Geography and Planning Seminar Series invites you to the first of a series of Conversations planned for this year, entitled Fostering Accountability in Geographical Research. This conversation will explore the challenge of accountability and responsibility in human and physical geographical research. As Shawn Wilson (2018) argues, “for researchers to remain accountable to all our relations, we must make careful choices in our selection of topics, methods of data collection, forms of analysis and finally in the way we present information”. In this conversation, we invite a panel of scholars to consider questions of accountability and responsibility in geographical research, and the challenge of being ‘accountable to all our relations’.
Our panelists include Dr. Karen Fisher (University of Auckland), Dr. Daniel Hikuroa (University of Auckland), Dr. Chantelle Richmond (University of Western Ontario), Dr. Michelle Daigle (University of Toronto), Dr. Robert Way (Queen’s University), and Dr. Heather Castleden (Queen’s University).
We look forward to you joining us on Zoom for this memorable event (
Meeting ID: 935 5922 3955
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