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Monday, September 30, 2019
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
School of Medicine/Abramsky House
Room: Britton Smith Auditorium
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TITLE: Global Cancer Surgery and Neglected Global Surgical Diseases

PRESENTER: Dr. Serigne Magueye Gueye, MD, FWACS Professor of Surgery / Urology, University Cheikh Anta DIOP, Dakar, Senegal

BIO: Dr. Gueye is President of the West African College of Surgeons (WACS). WACS is one of the most influential professional and accrediting bodies in Africa and include the following faculties: Anaesthesiology, Dental Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Oto-rhino-laryngology and Radiology. Professor Gueye is a world renowned leader and educator in global surgery including cancer surgery. He is recipient of numerous awards including the United Nations Medal for Peace for his work as field trauma surgeon for the African Union Forces in Rwanda during the genocide. Prof. Gueye has also influenced health care in multiple countries across the continent of Africa, as a past president of the African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC). He also served in the Board of Directors for the UICC (International Union Against Cancer) and as president of the Alliance of African & Mediterranean French-speaking Leagues for Cancer Control (ALIAM). In addition to his contributions in urology and trauma surgery, Prof. Gueye is recognized globally as an expert in obstetric fistula and served as a leader in the International Society of Fistula Surgeons (ISOFS)

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