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Indigenous Research Collaborations Workshop

Friday, November 8, 2019
8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
John Deutsch University Centre
Room: McLaughlin Hall
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The Office of Indigenous Initiatives, the School of Graduate Studies and the Office of Research at Queen's is proud to host our annual indigenous research collaborations event.  All are welcome to participate.

The day is part of a larger strategy at Queen’s to foster a research training environment that is founded on ethical and responsible conduct of Indigenous research and will provide participants with a practical foundation in the key issues of ownership and control in research collaborations with Indigenous communities. 

The morning program consists of a keynote presentation by Abraham Francis followed by presentations by 3 indigenous graduate students who will present their research and then we will open up to a panel discussion.

The afternoon program consists of small facilitated group discussions. Participants will discuss fictional scenarios based on common challenges and opportunities when researching with Indigenous communities. Facilitators will guide groups to consider multiple perspectives on each scenario, and to understand the complex considerations that impact these research collaborations.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

There is no cost for the day, but registration is limited to 100 participants.

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