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The John Meisel Lecture in Contemporary Political Controversies: "Excluded and Enraged: On Gender, Anger, and Violence"

Thursday, November 21, 2019
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Grant Hall
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Speaker: Alana Cattapan, University of Waterloo 

Feminist scholars and commentators have long been interested in the gendered and racialized nature of rage, interrogating the utility of anger for marginalized groups as an incitement to mobilize for change. At the same time, gendered anger is bound up with gendered violence, and is integral to our understandings of mass acts of violence against women. In this lecture, nearly thirty-years after the Montreal Massacre, Dr. Alana Cattapan interrogates how gendered forms of anger can inform our understanding of historic and contemporary acts of violence against women, and what it means for anger as a tool for social justice.

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