Ka'tarohkwi Festival of Indigenous Arts: See Monsters and Jeremy Dutcher at the Isabel
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
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Part of the Ka’tarohkwi Festival of Indigenous Arts, curated by Dylan Robinson
See Monsters dives deep into Northwest Coast bass music spun by DJ Dean Hunt, fused with moving light and images by Bracken Hanuse Corlett. An audio-visual peace treaty combines stories from the duo's different cultural backgrounds. They walk in the footsteps of ancestral pattern and form while keeping their eyes fixed on the future. Through sonic and visual connection to their lineage, watch as they transform the Isabel Concert Hall.
Wolastoq singer/composer Jeremy Dutcher's Polaris Prize-winning album Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa takes the oldest-known recordings of the Wolatstoq peoples as the foundation for Dutcher's own soaring voice and stunning melodies. This signature presentation of Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa features a live video component in collaboration with Bracken Hanuse Corlett.
General Public: $39
Students: $16
Queen’s Faculty/Staff: $32
General public: $95
Students: $44
Queen's faculty/staff: $86
BUY HERE: https://theisabeltickets.universitytickets.com/w/packages/PackageDetail.aspx?PackageNewID=114
Outstanding and original new work by Indigenous artists inspired by the knowledge and creative practice of hundreds of generations. Artists from across Turtle Island gather to share the vibrant present and futures of Indigenous cultural resurgence. Curated by Dylan Robinson.
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