Launch / Dinner of Landing: No.9 Gardens Exhibition
4:30 PM – 7:30 PM
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Agnes Etherington Art Centre and No.9 Gardens are thrill to invite you to the launch of Landing, hosted by No.9 Gardens.
Celebrate this exhibit with the artists, both Canadian and International (listed below). Join us in Lyndhurst for an evening of contemporary art and a delicious seed to table meal. This is a rain or shine event. Dress accordingly and wear appropriate footwear for outdoor touring. Attendees can drive up themselves or catch our shuttle bus ($10 return). Dinner is $15 per person.
Exhibition description:
What is land doing? Land-ing? On the shores of a meandering creek and the wildflower fields of No.9 Gardens, an exhibition emerges from this inquiry. Artists Amanda Boulos, Maurício Chades, Marianne Chénard, JP Longboat, Ella Dawn McGeough, Kelsey Pearson, Sarah Peebles, Erica Stocking, Christian Bernard Singer and José Luis Torres address the sensory experience of edges, limits, and borders— both settling and unsettling—to express how landing shapes and permeates the human dream world.
In partnership with No.9. Curated by Sunny Kerr, Curator of Contemporary Art with the curatorial assistance of Sarah Tomkins
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