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Lemon Bucket Orkestra

Saturday, January 28, 2023
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts
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Lemon Bucket Orkestra

The Isabel welcomes back the Lemon Bucket Orkestra, Canada’s only Balkan-klezmer-party-punk-super-band. Born on the streets of Toronto as a busking band in 2010, the original quartet of guerrilla-folk troubadours quickly amassed a battalion of troops armed with brass and bows, and started touring the world. LBO has been nominated for several awards, it is heralded as ground-breaking by international media, and has performed at international festivals across the globe. At their Isabel debut in 2015, they finished with an impromptu post-concert performance in the lobby for the entire audience to dance with complete and unbridled joy!

General Public $40, Faculty/Staff $36, Students $10
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