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The Need to do Better – Risk, Ethics & Tailings Dams

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Miller Hall
Room: 105
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The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining presents

The Need to do Better – Risk, Ethics & Tailings Dams
A conversation with Henry Brehaut and Tony Hodge

On 25 January, 2019, the Number 1 Tailings facility at Vale's Corrego do Feijao iron ore mine in Brazil's mining heartland of Minas Gerais failed. Some 13 million cubic metres of iron ore tailings waste swept downstream. The final death toll will likely reach 300. This failure follows the Mt. Polley tailings breach in 2014 and the Vale/BHP Samarco disaster in 2015. At a time when engineering capacity is thought to be improving and company commitment to “no harm” is clearly articulated, performance improvement isn’t following. This dilemma touches to the heart of engineering design practice, our application of risk concepts, corporate performance, government oversight, and the way engineers live by their professional ethics. The industry must do better.

Mr. Brehaut will explore these topics in a conversation with Dr. R. Anthony Hodge (Senior Scholar and Adjunct Professor at the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Engineering) and members of the audience.

Refreshments will be offered after the event during which conversation with Brehaut, Hodge, and other faculty members will continue.

This talk is open to all departments and faculties; anyone interested is encouraged to attend.

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