[ONLINE] Brown Bag Conversations: Discussing Decolonization Series
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
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Facilitated by Lindsay Brant and Robin Attas, Centre for Teaching and Learning
Faculty, staff, and students are welcome to monthly brown bag lunches to discuss the implications of decolonization for teaching and learning. Facilitators from the CTL will guide discussion, but all participants will contribute to the direction of each meeting and the direction of the program as a whole.
Sharing Strategies: Developing a Foundations Course in Business with Kate Rowbotham
Wednesday November 25, 2020, 12:00 - 1:00pm, Microsoft Teams
Kate Rowbotham, associate professor in the Department of Geography and Planning and Canada Research Chair in Reconciling Relations for Health, Environments, and Communities, will share her experiences developing a course on the foundations of Indigenous histories and realities for undergraduate business students. This session is sure to appeal both to those in business-related subjects, and those who are considering foundations courses in their own disciplines.
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